Chapter 39

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A month passed and I still hadn't heard from them. I was beginning to get worried and even everyone was asking me how my plan went. When I didn't have any news, they would just say, "Oh," and either walk away or start another conversation as they tried to get the topic off my mind.

Even Gale was beginning to worry about me, as I had stopped drawing and apparently I didn't have "the twinkle in my eyes like I used to before." I knew he had enough when he exploded one day.

"Alright Yvaine get your ass up!"

"I don't wanna...." I whined. He didn't have any patience for my whining so he took matters into his own hands. He flung me around his shoulder and as I laid there like a sack of potatoes, he smacked my butt causing me to squeal. "What was that for!"

"Getting your butt warmed up for the activity I have planned. We are going ice skating!"

"At the end of April?"

"Yes. Now buckle up and shut your beautiful mouth before I kiss it shut."

"I dare you to," I gasped and narrowed my eyes at him. He looked at me with an 'are you serous?' look and I just blinked.

"Well you dared me to." He shrugged and was millimeters away from slamming his lips to mine when one of our phones rang. "Gah damn it!"

He fumbled with his and I smirked as he picked it up. "What is it dude...... Yeah and so what?...... She's a big girl! She can..... Yeah, yeah...... Like she'll let you hurt this pretty face...... Oh ho-hoooooo I dare you to....... Wait, where are you going?........ Dustin?"

DUSTIN?! I looked out my window and sure enough, he was stomping towards us with his phone by his ear. Gale cursed and I heard a heavy thud before he placed the pedal to the metal and screeched out of there. I just laughed and looked over at him as I put on my seatbelt. "Did he see everything?"


"And did he threaten to kill you?"


"That's why you said that I wouldn't let him harm your face."

"Yup." He grinned and I just kept on laughing.

"Well you're lucky you only have your cute face to attract me. Or else it would be bruised up by now."

He grimaced at me. "Thanks Eve."

"Oh no problem Adam. Anything for my man."

"Shut up."





Skating actually did end up making me forget about my thoughts for a while. We were so bad, we were slipping on the ice every five seconds, landing on our asses and just laughing before the other one fell as well. At one point, he had to sit out in the benches as he was still doubled over in pain and I was just laughing and apologizing at the same time.

"It was your fault anyways."

"How was it my fault? I didn't ask for you to hit my family jewels!"

I started to laugh again and I held on to the side as I felt my legs giving out. "Well you did fall down and take me down with you. It's not my fault my knee landed there. I was doing perfectly fine until-" My feet slipped and I ended up doing the splits...... and I have never done the splits before......

"Hey you ok?"

I just laid on the floor, trying to breathe through the pain as I brought my legs back together. I felt someone touch my shoulder and I opened my eyes slightly to see Gale crouched down. "Are you ok Eve?"

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