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"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

"What?" He laughed at my confused expression and shrugged as he stuffed his face with some chips. The wind was playing with my hair and I was having a hard time controlling it with just one hand.

"Just popped into my mind. Thought I would say it out loud."

"You are such a weirdo," I laughed as he slammed the napkins down with a fist. "And you choose such great days to go out on a date at the park by the way."

Yes, we were on a date. A couple of days had passed since he had asked me to be his girlfriend and this was our first official date as a couple. Not that I was counting.....

"Well sorry!" He mumbled as he placed his drink on top of the napkins. "It's not my fault the weather man doesn't know how to do his job."

I grabbed one of the chips from the plate we were sharing and began to munch on it. When I got a mouthful of hair as well, the bastard laughed and I threw the piece at him as I spat everything out.

"That is not funny!"

"Yes it is. Want me to pull it up for you?"

"Yes please."

He quickly jumped over the table and then stood behind me. I felt his soft hands start to mess with my hair and I couldn't help but to close my eyes as he quickly braided it. YES, he knew how to braid. All because of moi, who made him watch countless of Youtube videos until he could do a proper strand.

"Practice helps huh?" I laughed as he finished off and grabbed the elastic from my fingers.

"Yes. I can still see the bald spots I left you from the last time."

I gasped and tried to punch him but of course, he ducked with a laugh. "You so can not see them. Besides I don't even have bald spots! Ugh. This is what I get for letting you use me as a guinea pig for the braids."

He picked up his sandwich after swatting away the annoying flies and bit into it, crunching slightly with the fresh lettuce. "You know you love it when I mess with your hair," he murmured through a mouthful. I grimaced in disgust and he just winked before he laughed.

"Remind me why I agreed to be your girlfriend again?"

He shrugged. "Because you love me and can not live without me."

I sighed and poked my salad with my fork. "I wish it wasn't true right now."

"No you don't."

"Whate-" I squealed as I felt him pick me up, not even noticing that he had stood up. "What are you doing?"

"I'm letting my girlfriend sit on my lap. Then I am going to kiss those cheesy lips so no more foul words can come out of them."


His lips softly crashed into mine and I was momentarily surprised. My eyes widened when I felt his tongue graze my top lip and then he pulled back, grinning like a fool. "Hmmmm I love your cheesy lips. I can get used to eating this way."

"What are you-"

He cut me off again and this time, I kissed him back. I guess we were busy sucking faces for too long that we didn't see the two dogs sneak up behind us and start eating our food until we heard someone screaming.

"Hey! That's not your food!"

I pulled away with a blush and I heard his chuckle. Something licked my cheek and I turned to see two golden retrievers snacking on Gales sandwiches. Five seconds later, a small girl came running, breathless and wide eyed as she looked at the dogs.

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