Chpt 41 Summary and Sneak Preview

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Ok so for those of you who couldn't read the last chapter, the rest of this authors note will briefly explain it. If you read the last chapter, you can just skip this chapter, or continue on. Your choice 😊 But there WILL be a sneak preview of the next chapter down below!!! You'll see it once you see the *************

At the beginning, Eve had just woken up and was having a small flashback of the last two days since that day was her mothers wedding day. She remembered how when she came back after Dustins graduation party, Juliet was crying because the black eagle -that she had named Majesty- she had bought for Romeo as a wedding present had not arrived yet. She managed to make Juliet happy and they were both smiling when back in the real time, Juliet came in, nervous about her wedding. Eve calmed her down, told her everything would be fine and flashed over to her other mother so she could help her out with the rest of the wedding.

I skipped the whole ceremony part since its basically obvious on what happens and went straight to the party.

At the party, she dances with Gale first. Gale had bribed the person in charge of the music to play one of their two songs, "A drop in the Ocean" by Ron Pope, and she laughs. They get the attention of the guests and once they are done, they meet a couple of new people -not really important since I didn't name any of them- and then she dances with both her fathers. They both threaten to beat up Gale once she tells them that's she's going to start to go out with them and she gets frustrated with them. Romeo tells her a few words that are important for the future when she tries to tell him that she thinks she does love Gale back. "It will definitely come to you when something big happens. When you can't see him anymore because of some separation like I had with your mother, you'll realize how much you really do love him."

I also revealed that Adam is gay. YES, HE IS GAY. Eve finds out when she sees him mentally undressing one of their new guy friends and takes him to the side to see if it's true. He admits it, and she gets overjoyed for knowing she has a gay friend since she has always wanted one. He also explains that the only reason he was acting like a douche when he first saw Dustin and Gale was because he was jealous of Eve. Jealous that she had two hot guys around her and he didn't have one. Eve tells him about her difficult task of trying to find the perfect time to tell Gale that she accepts to be his girlfriend and he takes the challenge. They hug out, go back to the group of friends and spend the rest of the wedding dancing and chatting.

When the guests finally leave and the only people left -besides the cleaning crew- are both of Eve's families, Gale and Adams family. Adam masterfully gets the second song to play and of course, Gale and Eve dance out. When she was about to say yes to him, the doors open, revealing the parents of Romeo and Juliet -who did not attend the wedding I might add.

It is the revealed that THEY are the ones who hired the doctor to get rid of Yvaine. They didn't want a baby to ruin the hundred year old feud they were having so they got rid of her. But the doctor did not have the guts to kill her so with the help of the magic in their planet, he sent her to Earth, where she lived there until her true parents found her. They argued a little bit and then that when the shots were first fired.(since both couples had a gun)

As the shots were being fired, everything went into slow motion for her. She felt herself being pushed at the last second and then when she looked behind her, she saw Gale standing there. HE was the one that ended up getting shot.

Of course, she runs towards him as chaos quickly spreads around -as the grandparents killed themselves as well by some other form- and tries to stop the bleeding. She thinks he is dead, but they manage to say some last words and she admits she loves him as Romeos words from before echo in her head. Gales last words were, "I love you too." And then he dies.

Throughout this, Eve blames herself and says that SHE is the one that should have died, not Gale. She starts to feel herself blacking out and as she does, she imagines herself meeting Gale at the end of the bright light.

Her last words before she is truly under were, "He's gone."

Any re-readers, if I missed something vital -which I don't think I did- please comment! Hope this is good enough and again I am sorry for those of you who couldn't read it. Now below, is the preview of the next chapter, so enjoy!!!


I was numb. I could not feel a thing, even though I knew I should. The bullet that went through and out my arm was proof of the pain I should have, but I could not, for any reason, feel it.

Apparently, I didn't pass out because I was dying..... I passed out because I had lost too much blood and all the blood on the floor was a mixture of Gales and mines..... But mostly Gales......


Another silent wave of tears slowly came out and I curled up into a ball as best as I could since my left arm was in a sling. "Gale. Why. Did. You. Die." I managed to whisper between hiccups. "It. Should. Have. Been. Me!" I was full out screaming now. The door to the room flung open and in came both of my moms, their eyes red with un-shed tears.

"Shh..... It's alright. You're okay," Carol breathed as she wiped away my tears. Juliet just rubbed my back and smoothed out my hair as I cried there. I saw them both look at each other for a few moments before they looked back down to me and then they sighed.

"Why?" I managed to whisper throughout my cries. "Why did he have to die for me?"

They didn't answer. Instead, they just let me cry my eyes out, until I had no more tears left to shed. When I was just staring off into space a few moments later, one of them sighed and then spoke.

"We have to go."

I looked over at her and frowned. "What do you mean we have to go?" My voice was harsh. Didn't she just realized that my best friend, the boy I had liked my entire life without me even realizing was gone? He hadn't even been dead for two hours and she was already telling me to leave?

"We have to go before it's too late." She looked up at Juliet, who just nodded and I frowned at both of them.

"Gale just died and you want me to leave? How could you ask that! How could you!?" I got up and stormed away, not even listening to their voices as they trailed behind me. I felt someone touch my good shoulder and I jumped out of the way. "Just leave me alone!? Can't I grieve in peace!?!"

I started to run then. I had no idea where I was going, and I didn't care at the moment. All I wanted to do was to get out of there so I wouldn't have to see the sadness in their eyes. I ran, and ran, and ran, until I found myself falling down in the one spot where hours ago, it was a place of happiness.

All the chairs were gone, and the only clue left back was the still decorated gazebo. I grabbed on to one of the white pillars and let my legs give out again.

He was gone. He was truly gone.......

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