Chapter 23

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After giving up on chasing Gale all around the house, I went back to my room and he went back to his house with a consolation prize. The jerk had said he was going to do something with my bra, and I was slightly scared of his thoughts. But the only thing I was murmuring at the moment was, "And that was my favorite one."

I went to bed, sulking about my lost possession and I woke up completely forgetting about it...... Well up until he came in smiling hugely.

"What did you do with it?" I asked. Well more demanded.

"Nothing. Just wanted something of my girlfriend in my room. Little by little, I will grab your stuff so before you know it, you won't have a choice but to move in with me."

I gasped and groaned. Oh Gale.

"Come on before I change my mind," I mumbled as he chuckled behind me. Today, I was only taking him while everyone else stayed behind and waited for my verdict. They didn't trust Romeo after the little stunt he pulled so they decided to wait for my return unless I wanted to be and I quote, "birth-fatherless." Whatever that meant.

"Come in! I'm so glad you came!" Lauren exclaimed excitedly as she opened the door once I knocked. I took a deep breath before pulling a still smiling Gale behind me and stopped right in front of a couch.

"Let's get down to business," was all I said and she nodded. Patrick must have heard me or knew I was coming because not even two seconds later, he was walking in with the black feather from before. I cringed slightly at the memories and I felt Gale wrap an arm around me.

"It's alright. You're okay. I'm here."

After a few moments, I nodded and with shaking hands, I touched the feather with one finger. Gale did the same and before I knew it, we were surrounded by the familiar white light and then gently floated down to the floor.

I took a second to see the room we had landed as Lauren and Patrick left to go find Romeo. We weren't in the dark office that we had landed before. We were in what I assumed was the front lobby of the place. There were two sets of staircases placed on the left and right of the room and right underneath was a small hallway with two sides. On our right side, there were two sets of doors -one of which Lauren and Patrick disappeared to- and on the left there was only one. I was gawking up at the roof when I felt Gale tighten his hold on my hand seconds before I heard someone clear their throat.

My gaze snapped down to a smiling Romeo. The smile stayed on his face until he saw Gale standing next to me, holding my hand. It quickly disappeared and morphed into a surprised look as he blinked rapidly at him as if he didn't believe his eyes.

"Umm... Who are you?" he asked. He didn't sound rude, but just the words he spoke made me flinch and stand even closer to Gale who just stood there unfazed.

"Gabriel Watson. Yvaines boyfriend."

Romeos eyes snapped to me. "You have a boyfriend?"

I groaned. "Boy-friend," I exaggerated, making sure he knew the words were separated. I sent a glare to Gale, who just grinned sheepishly and released my hand as I shook my head. "He came here for support."

"Oh, well welcome. I'm glad you decided to come Yvaine. You have no idea how much that means to me."

Yeah. I didn't really had much of a choice....

We stood there for a few minutes with awkward silence until Gale began to whistle. I snapped my eyes to him and he immediately stopped and blushed. He scratched the back of his neck and grinned. "Yeah, ok. Gabriel. Do you want a small tour while I speak with my daughter? Or are you going to join us?"

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