Chapter 7

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If I thought having my family give me weird looks was bad, I wouldn't know how to describe the looks everyone at school were giving me.

When I reached my little group of friends, they all had their backs to me. I took a deep breath, cleared my throat and tensed as they all turned around slowly. Three mouths fell open immediately and even their eyes bugged out as I stood there, looking back and forth from them to the floor. The floor won my attention for a second before all commotion went lose.

"What the fuck did you do to your hair!?!" Pip shrieked as she slowly began to poke a strand that was resting on my shoulder like if it was an alien or something. Africa, who's eyes were her natural dark brown for today, touched a different strand of hair, but she didn't poke it like Pip. She didn't say a word like Gale and I looked up at him. He just pursed his lips as he quietly stared at me and I raised an eyebrow. He slowly smiled and then winked.

"Makes you look even hotter. I like it." I rolled my eyes. Of course he would like it.

"Is it that bad?" I whispered as I twirled a strand. I shuddered slightly and then dropped it before I had a panic attack again.

"Well....."Pip began.

"No.... I guess. I mean I think what Pip was trying to say was that we are so used to seeing you in your ginger locks, we never expected you to bleach them. It sort of.... suits you.... I think. But I love your eye color! Where did you get your contacts?"

"Umm.... they're not contacts...."

"Huh?" they all breathed while moving their head to the side in synchronization. I laughed at their movement, but then shrugged and scratched my head.

"Yeah... My eyes don't have contacts..... and I didn't bleach my hair."

"Huh?" they all said even more confused. The bell rang, saving me from explaining and I sighed in relief.

"Well it's time for class. Gale, let's go get a cup of coffee, my treat."

"Ugh hell no bitch. You ain't just gonna leave me with a bunch of questions and no answers!" Pip screamed as Africa pulled her away from the back of her shirt. I waved goodbye as the fuming girl shrieked like if she was getting kidnapped or worse being taken from her crush. "This is not over Yvaine! You will tell me your secret!" Her voice was drowned as they turned the corner and I laughed.

"Well that's Pip for you," Gale chuckled and then got me into a hug. "No but seriously you look hot. Are you sure you don't want to be my girlfriend?"

I rolled my eyes and pecked his cheek. "I'm sure Gale. Being your pretend girlfriend when we go out is exhausting enough. So I can just imagine how it would be if we were actually dating."

He snorted and grabbed my hand as he pulled me to his car. After opening my door and making sure I was properly in, he made his way to the drivers seat before he winked. "Don't deny that you do like to be my girlfriend. You know you have fun, so think how it will actually be if you were truly mine."

I rolled my eyes again, but kept the smile on my face as he dropped my hand from his lips and began to drive. Not even ten minutes later, we stopped at a Starbucks and walked in, pushing each other to see who could get in the fastest.

"That's not fair! You're a guy so you're stronger! Aren't you always suppose to let the lady win!?"

"What lady? I don't see a lady. All I see is a cry baby," he laughed and ruffled my hair. I slapped his hand as the guy behind the counter stared at us in confusion and I gave him a small smile.

"Hi. Sorry about that. Hmm....." after a few seconds of thinking, I gave him my order and then Gale got his. When I paid and was reaching over for my change, the guy came closer and whispered in my ear.

"Do you want me to do something to your friends drink?" he asked with a wink. Ewww gross......

I smiled and shook my head. "No thanks. My boyfriend wouldn't like that at all and he will be mad the rest of the day. Right babe?" Hopefully Gale wasn't too busy checking out the girls I saw that were sitting down by the window. Please let him be on time.

I felt his hands wrap around my waist before it was too late and he rested his head on top of my shoulder after kissing my neck. "What's that kitten?"

"Nothing," I giggled and turned around to kiss his nose. I heard a "whatever," from behind me and a grunt. I winked at Gale and he rolled his eyes before grabbing my hand and pulled me to a table. When our drinks were called out, he went to go pick them up and I couldn't help but to laugh as the guy stiffen and walked away without saying a word.

"Rude much," Gale grumbled once he came back. I laughed quietly and grabbed my drink from his hands. "What did I ever do to him?"

"Agreed to be my pretend boyfriend," I snickered behind my cup and he rolled his eyes.

"Ahh. Well it's not my fault I get all the babes. I'm just that good looking."

"Oh no. I'm just your friend cause you're too ugly to make some," I sniffed and he gasped.

"Take that back!" he shrieked like a girl at the same time I took a sip of the hot drink. I ended up spilling it all out over his face and then falling out of my seat from laughing so hard at his reaction. I heard the guy laughing from the counter and Gale shot him a murderous look as I laughed even harder.

"That was hot you bitch," he grumbled as he wiped his face.

"Oh you know you love having my spit on you."

"That's not the place I was thinking about," he said with a wink and I gasped and punched him.

"Ewwww! See that's why we're not dating!" I hissed as he laughed. "When can you not think about getting in someone's pants?"

"Baby, with you, never."

"Aww I'm flattered," I said sarcastically and he smiled. Oh how I loved this dumb, horny, but handsome guy. He knew when to push my buttons and when not to. He knew me better than anyone else; that's why he was my best best friend. (Shhh. Don't tell Pip or Africa!!) If he didn't know my deepest secrets, I might -key word might- consider ever going out with him. But with the way he talks, that always backed me out, therefore the reason we are friends only.

After we finished our drinks, we raced to the car again and I squealed as he picked me up over his shoulder halfway there and slapped my butt.

"You asshole! Put me down, now before I castrate you!" He laughed and then I gasped and hit his back before he placed me down on the cement. "Ok. Only in your dreams will I ever do that."

"Hey. You said it, not me." he chuckled as he opened my door. I got in with a huff and he was still laughing as he got in and pulled away.

Stupid men.....


Just wanted y'all to see what dumb stuff Eve and Gale do when their together. Don't worry, the good and main parts of this book are about to come. Thanks!!!

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