Chapter 27

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Besides the necklace and the mug, I ended up getting two pairs of boots, a couple of butt hugging jeans and even some lingerie from Pip and Africa. When I asked about the skimpy undergarments, they just winked and I blushed while I stuffed them to the bottom of the pile.

Mental note to self. Burn the strings later.

But the best gift of them all was the one from my parents. Even though I held the key to my brand new car, I still couldn't believe I had one. I never expected to get a car, so just having the keys to one was like a dream. A dream I never wanted to wake up from.

"Aren't you going to break it in? Drive your new car?" My mom chuckled over lunch. I just shook my head and eyed the key that hung on the wall next to the other ones.

"Maybe later. Still can't get it over my head...."

I never actually got to drive my car that day. I got too busy playing around with my family for the rest of the day -and week I might add- that before I knew it, I woke up one morning to go to school. Everything was going great until I went back to my room -since I had forgotten my phone- and I saw the last seconds of the bright light on top of my bed. I froze, gulped and carefully picked up the note with the petal on it. As soon as I had it on my hands, another one appeared, but this time with a feather.

Oh shit.

"Hurry up Yvaine! Or you'll be late for school!"

"Umm.... Leaving...." I managed to croak out as I stuffed both pieces of paper in my bag. I ran to the car -not even taking the time to admire its beauty and new car smell- and drove to school. I made it just in time as the bell rang, signaling second period.

As I waited for Gale to walk into the class a few minutes later, I pulled out the notes and looked at them both. I had completely forgotten about the war and all its problems and I hadn't even began to chose a side, let alone a parent! I was so deep in the middle of my thoughts, I didn't even hear Gale come up behind me.

"Boo...." It was so soft, but unexpected so I still ended up flying up in my seat. He laughed, hugged me but then frowned once he saw what I was holding. "Is that.... What I think it is?" I nodded mutely and he raised an eyebrow. "Have you read them?" I shook my head and he looked down at me. "What are you waiting for?"

"I don't want to read them," I whispered. "I completely forgot about them. I feel so bad....."

"Don't. They will understand. Open them."

"I think I already know what they say...." I whispered as I slowly tore them open. Mr. Royce began to teach his class as I read Juliet's letter first, but he didn't really pay attention to us. He knew we would do our work even if we were distracted at the beginning of his lessons.

Dear Yvaine,

I don't want to rush you on your decision or anything, but I do have to say something involving that.

Don't do it. Don't choose Romeo. I don't know what kind of sob story he told you, but remember they are liars and manipulators.

The war will come soon and by then, my daughter, you will have to choose a side. Your choice will control the outcome of who wins the war. That doesn't mean that if you choose me, I will automatically win; HE can still win.

Please choose wisely Yvaine. I don't want to see you heartbroken like me. I wish to see you soon when you have time away from your life. Lillian should have a spare rose for you so you may come and go as many times as you wish. So please use it well, as it is yours now. I will have a surprise for you when you get here.

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