Chapter 5

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THEY WERE HUGGERS. Our new neighbors loved to hug as well. When we managed to get to their door with the pie, I felt like I was doing something wrong. It felt wrong waiting for the unknown strangers to open the door and show themselves for the first time. It took half my will to stay standing next to my mom and not bolt back to the house or even back to Lily. Once they did opened the door though, again I was shocked at their appearance. Angels again. I groaned inwardly and cursed anyone who was listening to my inner ranting as we stepped inside.

They introduced themselves as Lauren and Patrick. Lauren was the excited and jumpy one, while Patrick was the relaxed and laid back guy. Just like Lily and Peter.....Weird. Their hair was so light, it almost looked white but what captured my attention the most were their eyes. I thought I was the only one with grey eyes, but my thoughts were proved wrong as I stared at the two similar pairs in front of me.

After my mom introduced us, Lauren practically jumped into my arms and squished me so hard, I swear I turned blue. As I regained my breath, Patrick apologized and shook my hand, causing another electrical bolt to run through my hand.

Again, immediately after we stepped out, I wanted to stay and talk to Lauren and not leave. My mom literally had to drag me out as they laughed and waved us goodbye before stepping back inside their house. As soon as my mom slapped and talked some sense into me, I shook my head and went back to normal. No more strange urges to go back and chat with the angel-looking neighbors.

What in the world is wrong with me? I asked myself as soon as I got into my room. First I had the urge to stay with Lily and Peter once I stepped out of their house. Then the same thing happened with Lauren and Patrick? Did they drug me in the middle of a hug? A prick on the handshake with the men? I was running a bunch of possibilities in my mind, but quickly crossed them out when I realized my mom didn't act the same way. She never complained or said anything about having the urge to stay and talk with them.

Huh. I must be going crazy then.

"Yup. I'm going crazy," I said out loud and buried my face in my pillow.

"Finally you admit you're crazy!! I've been telling you this since a long time ago!" Dustin laughed from my door and I glared at him. I chucked my pillow at him, he easily dodged it and picked it up to throw it back at me. "Mom sent me to get your ass for dinner. It will be ready in five."

I nodded and he walked away. Had I really been in my room that long? I swear I had only been in here for a few minutes, but according to Dustin I've been arguing with myself for the past three hours. My stomach growled as the smell of dinner wafted into my nose and that only confirmed Dustin's message even more.

With a small groan, I got up and followed my nose. When I saw a familiar back facing me, I smiled and tiptoed my way towards it, jumping at the last second.

"Arggggg!" I growled as I playfully bit my dads shoulder. He momentarily swayed with the unexpected weight, but then he laughed and played along.

"Ah!" he gasped and started to sway, crashing us lightly to the wall. "I'm dying! Help me! An ugly girl just bit me!"

I gasped, jumped off and pounded my fists against his back as he laughed and tried to dodge my hits. "I am not ugly!"

"No. You're horrendous," Dustin chuckled from the side and I huffed.

"Mom!!" I cried as the boys laughed and pounded their fists. "They are calling me ugly." She stopped halfway through the kitchen door with a steaming pot in her hands and raised her eyebrows. She sent her glare to them and I heard them gulp before backing away with their hands raised up.

"We were just playing....." Dustin whispered as my dad nodded. I laughed, winked at her and she winked back when they weren't looking. After an apology from both of them, we ate dinner and then crowded into the living room to watch a movie since it was Tuesday. Tuesday's were movie nights. Thursday's nights were family nights. Those nights were the only nights we were required to stay in, but either than that, after dinner Dustin and I were allowed to do anything we wanted.

"It's your turn to pick a movie," my dad murmured to me as he got comfortable in the couch. My mom sat next to him and Dustin spread out on the floor, stealing one of the couch cushions as he got comfortable. I jumped into my parents laps and spread myself, my head on my moms lap and my feet on my dads lap. I smiled widely as a plan came into view and then looked back at him, a movie in mind.


"What?" he asked confused as Dustin groaned and my mom laughed. I just kept my smile and repeated it again.

"I want to watch Frozen."

"What's that?"

"Please choose something else. I don't want to watch a talking snowman for two hours," Dustin begged from the floor.

"I'm up for talking snowman," my mom chuckled lightly and my dad shrugged, not knowing what we were talking about.

"Sorry boy. Talking snowman it is." As he found the movie and hit play, Dustin muttered words that involved his manhood or something like that. I just laughed at his scowl and I couldn't help but laugh even more as the movie began and my dad now noticed what movie we were watching. "Oh god."

Halfway through the movie, Dustin ended up sitting up, hiding his face behind the pillow as if he was scared of what he was watching. Me and my mom were singing along to the songs while my dad groaned and laughed every ten minutes.

When it finally ended, I was belting out Let It Go at the top of my lungs while walking back to my room. I heard two chuckles and a groan.

"I'm going to be singing that song for the next two weeks!" Dustin groaned. He sighed but then quickly snapped his head up and laughed. "Next week is my turn. And I'm going to get revenge."

"Oooh scary!" I laughed as I wiggled my fingers at him. I hugged and pecked my parents cheeks before wet willie-ing Dustin and ran the rest of the steps to my room as he chased after me.

"You'll get it in the morning!" He vowed from my closed door and stomped away. I changed into my pjs and rolled my eyes.

He would so forget about it by the morning.

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