Chapter 21

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Laila Estelle.

That was what she was going to name me if I hadn't been taken away. Laila Estelle.

The name still haunted me, even after I had changed into some pajamas they had provided and counted sheep. The bed was as soft as a pillow and I was so comfortable, I thought I would knock out. But no. My brain was too busy with thoughts to even bother shutting down so I could get some beauty sleep.

With a groan, I got up and ended up walking out, walking to a door I never thought my feet would ever take me. I softly knocked and then a few seconds later, the door opened, revealing a wide awake Gale.

"Couldn't sleep?" I nodded my head mutely and hugged myself. "Me too."

"Can I..... Can I stay with you?"

"You don't even have to ask," he murmured and stepped aside so I could walk in. I immediately went to the bed and snuggled in, seconds later feeling the other side dip as he got in. "Goodnight Eve."

"Goodnight Gale," I whispered before finally blacking out.



I was too warm. The sun was shining on part of my face, but that didn't really answer why I was burning hot. When I tried to move though, I couldn't even move an inch. I was near the point of having a panic attack when all of yesterday's events rushed into my head making me gasp.

I was in Gales room.

And he was hugging me. Well more like clinging to me as he softly snored on top of my head.

I laughed quietly and tried to move again, only to let out a squeal as he squeezed me tighter to him and mumbled something incoherent. "Gale.....Gale....." I poked his cheek and he groaned. "Gale......." I poked his nose and he just scrunched it up. So I just sighed, jabbed his sides multiple times and that got him to release me immediately. I landed on the floor with a big thump as he pushed me away and I groaned. "Shit. What the hell Gale!"

"Oh crap! Sorry."

"Yeah whatever. By the way, you snore and drool." I said as I walked out of the room. I needed a shower and fresh set of clothes!

"I do not!" He yelled after me and I just laughed.

After arriving to my room and doing my business, I found I pair of clean clothes on a corner of the bed I was suppose to sleep on and I just shrugged. I took them back to the bathroom with me, shrugged them on after showering and hunted on the many drawers for a spare toothbrush and a comb. Twenty minutes later, I was walking out just as Gale walked out from his room.

"What are we doing today? We staying or going back?"

I shrugged. "Don't know. I also don't know if Juliet has any more questions or wants to say something else. By the way, good morning."

"Yeah. Good morning to you too," he grumbled as he rubbed his side. I laughed, jumped into his back making him huff and I squealed in delight as he ran who knows where. He managed to slow down in time as some double doors opened and a smiling Juliet walked out.

"Good morning. I can see you got a good nights rest."

"The best in my life," Gale announced and I smacked his head. He winced, dropped me and I shrieked as I landed on the floor again on my butt.

"Really Gale? Really?" He just shrugged and followed a chuckling Juliet to what seemed like the dining room we had dinner the night before. Right smack in the middle were foods you can surely imagine someone would have for breakfast and my mouth watered just at the sight of them. Gale was already munching on a plate of sausage and piling up stuff on top as he stuffed his face at the same time. I just laughed, sat next to him and grabbed a plate of my own, piling up almost everything except the meats.

Once we -well mostly Gale- were done stuffing our faces, I decided to burn off some calories by painting. Gale practically dragged me to the room, getting lost twice before he finally asked a random person where it was. When we finally came to a complete stop at a brown double-door, my heartbeat picked up as he slowly reached for the knobs.

"Get ready to be surprised," he whispered and pushed open the doors with a big whoosh. As soon as I stepped in, I gasped and ignored a laughing Gale besides me as I gawked at the room.

It was HUGE!! The ceilings were so high, a giant could stand up straight without difficulty. The walls were a bright white, but the dozens of frames scattered everywhere brought the color to the room. The roof was made out of glass, so with the morning sun, it seemed like all the paintings had their own spotlight.

"Dang!" I gasped and turned to a still laughing Gale. He nodded and then pulled me even further to the middle of the room where someone could come in and paint to their hearts desire. There were a few empty easels scattered around the room and empty frames begging to be drawn in. The water colors, pastels colors, chalk, paint, you name it where occupying a whole wall and it looked like a rainbow had exploded there. An artist rainbow.

"Told ya," he still laughed and I rolled my eyes. He went to an easel that was occupied and stared at it for a second before smiling and picked up a brush.

"What are you working on there?"

"It's a surprise," he said as I walked to him. I raised an eyebrow, stopping and he smiled. "I'm almost done. Go do your thing and then you can see."

"Alright," I murmured but couldn't help but to notice how he looked back and forth between me and the frame. Hmm.....

I chose an empty one for my own and grabbed a brand new set of chalk. Just letting my mind do its job, I emptied everything out and forgot about all the things around me. I didn't even pay attention to my hands as they moved the colors all around the board and my eyes stayed focus on one focal point. Time seemed to fly faster than I thought because at one point, I felt someone touch my shoulder, startling me from my hypnosis.

"Juliet? When did you get here?" I asked, making her flinch for a second. I groaned as I took a few steps, my legs tingling from not moving at all for a while and she answered.

"A while back actually. You were too focused on your artwork that you didn't hear me. What are you working on?"

"Umm...." I mumbled and actually looked at what I had done. I blinked rapidly, took a step back and then shrugged as if it was nothing.

I had done it. I had finally finished drawing my underwater nightmare.

"Wow. Where did you see that?"

"Umm... You don't want to know," I mumbled and she sighed.

"Oh. Was it bad?"

"You can say that. Anyways what time is it?"

"It's almost four. You missed lunch." My eyes bugged out and I looked behind her to see Gale gone. She answered my unspoken question with a hand on my shoulder. "He is eating. Would you like to join him?"

"Sure. Let me just take a peek at his drawing first." She laughed as I tiptoed to it and once I was finally in front, I couldn't help but to gasp. Juliet came to see what had me so surprised and when she reached me, she ended up gasping as well. We were stunned into silence, just staring at the picture until Gale walked back right in, surprising us once again.

"Do you like it?"

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