Chapter 14

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My dearest daughter,

By now, you should have already received a letter from your mother, telling you to not listen to a word my trustworthy friends Lauren and Patrick have to say.

Well don't listen to her. She's a liar and the Capulets should never be trusted.

Somehow, your delusional mother got the idea that I paid a doctor to take you away from our planet -well that's what my sources tell me,- but I can personally tell you that it is not true. I never even knew of your existence until a couple years ago. I confronted your mother for the first time since that night, and she did not deny it.

We fought, and by the end, I declared war.

I need you my daughter. I need you to be here right next to me so I can hold you in my arms and make sure you are safe and not being tortured in some Capulet chamber just because you have Montague blood running through your veins. I am not the lier your mother has told you I am, and I can prove it. BUT only if you listen to what Lauren and Patrick have to say and then I can prove my thoughts.

Please don't break my heart like Juliet did. Your MY daughter, so you should know deep inside what you heart truly wants you to do.

I'll be waiting.

Your loving father,

Romeo Montague

The words were short and simple, but the meaning behind it was strong and demanding. They swam around in the darkness I was in words by words as if I was reading them all over again. I just wanted to wake up to realize it was all a dream and not something I was going through in real life.

But when I heard the familiar voices of my family somewhere not far from the darkness, I knew I wasn't dreaming and that everything that was happening was indeed real.

Romeo Montague was my father. Juliet Capulet was my mother. They both wanted me. They both sent someone to get me. They both said the opposite person was a lier and that they shouldn't be trusted. But who was telling the truth? This was not the way the story was suppose to go and it was giving me a damn headache.

"Hey she's coming back!" Dustin's voice said and that's when I realized I was groaning and the blackness was slowly fading away. I opened my eyes to see my whole family surrounding me while I lay in the comforts of my bed.

"What happened?" I asked, even though I had an idea of what had happened.

"You got another letter, but from your father this time. You read it and then you passed out," my mom murmured and I groaned.

"So it wasn't all a dream."

"No. I'm sorry but we all saw the last letter appear. And I'm telling you.... This is pretty freaky," my dad breathed out shakily.

"So you all read the letter?" They all nodded, not even looking at me and I sighed. "What should I do?"

The silence was deafening and everyone just stared at each other as thoughts ran through their minds. I sighed loudly, and then the one voice I thought would never speak said something.

"I think you should trust them. Go meet your parents." We all stared at my mother in shock and she looked away. She just sighed, ran a hand through her hair and then looked back at me. "You have the right to meet your real parents. I think you got proof enough that they are out there -and not from this planet I can easily assume since the flashing delivery is not from here." We all let out a small laugh and she continued on with a smile. "I won't stop you. But...... I do have a tiny request."

"What is it?"

She looked at me while she chewed her lip and then blurted out, "I want to go with you."

Dustin gasped in surprise and my dad looked at her like she was crazy. I on the other hand just smiled widely and nodded. "Of course. Whatever you want."

"Great. It's settled then. What happens next?" They all stared at me and I shrugged.

"I don't know. I guess I have to talk to Lily, Peter, Lauren and Patrick and see how everything goes from then on. I don't think this is going to be easy though...."

"It never is," she murmured and got up with a groan. With no more words left between us, they left my room and I let out the biggest sigh yet. What in the world was going to happen now?.......

And where the heck was Gale???

I stretched over to where my phone laid when I last dropped it and pulled up his number in the message box.

Where did you go? - <3ve

It didn't take him long to respond.

Thought you all should have a family moment. Went home after I called your old man -adamtoyoureve

I laughed out loud at our signatures, even though this had been finalized a long time ago. His middle name was Adam -Gabriel Adam Watson being his full name- and Pip and Africa had had a good laugh with the whole "You're Adam and Eve" joke. It stuck around, so for our messages, he was Adam and I remained Eve for obvious reasons.

Well I didn't know you had MY OLD MAN's number. #Stalkermuch? O_o
- <3ve

Ha ha. Used your moms phone smart one. Everything okay?

Yeah. I think I'm going to talk to them tomorrow. Sort everything out and maybe go visit the biological parents during Winter break if everything works out. Freaky shit is going on Gale and I want to know why
- <3ve

I would too. Need some company?

Actually my mom is going -yeah I'm surprised as well. Maybe later on, once I make sure the 'rents are okay with me
- <3ve

Why wouldn't they be? And I'm just a text or phone call away. You know I'll do anything for you

I know. That's why I love you
- <3ve

Love you too sweetcakes. Goodnight and dream of me

Ha. It would be a nightmare probably. Night
- <3ve

And with that last thought in mind, I hid my phone just in time to hear Dustin yell, "Yvaine! Pizza is here! Get your fat ass over before I eat it all!"

Yeah love you too.

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