Chapter 32

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Romeo left soon after with a big smile on his face. After explaining the whole situation to the boys, I quickly ate something and then went to bed. The next few days flew by so quickly, I didn't even notice time had passed until I heard the familiar voices of our parents.

"We're back!"

"Mom! Dad!" I hugged and kissed them both. I stayed a bit longer on my dads arms and he noticed because he just laughed and kissed my head.

"What was that for? Missed your old man?"

"Yes. Exactly." He didn't have to know I was having "daddy" issues... Well grandparents issues.

"Anything happen while we were gone?" Our mom asked.

"Nope." Dustin and I responded at the same time, making us laugh. I saw her eyes narrowing and I took that as my cue to go before she asked any more questions.

"I know you just got here but I have to go. I have a "date" with Gale." I said, putting air quotes on the word date.

"Ooh. And what's the occasion? Finally giving that boy a chance?" My mom squealed as the boys huffed. I shook my head as I laughed and quickly explained.

"He wants to ask me a question. I have no idea what and I have no idea why he wants to do it over dinner, but I have to go. He's already here." I added as I felt my phone buzz on my back pocket seconds before we all heard a honk.

"Well have fun! And say yes!"


"Nothing. Have dessert for me and I have lots to tell you once you get back."

"Ewww no thanks. In that case I'll rather sleepover with Gale. Ugh!" I shuddered as she glared at me while my dad laughed his ass off. Before I could get barked at, I blew them a kiss and ran out the door, smoke trailing behind me. Gale quickly opened my door and then ran to the other side.

"Why are we making a grand escape?"

"My mom wants to talk to me about her sex life with dad. I don't want to-"

"Ugh ok I get it. Too much information Eve. I don't need to know that."

"And you think I do? I live with them!"

"Good point. So are you ready?"

"For what?"

"Our date."

I rolled my eyes. "This isn't a date."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is!"

"No it isn't!"








"Yes!" He smiled hugely and I looked at him confused. I went back twenty seconds into our conversation and counted all the yes's and no's and cursed while he wiggled his eyebrows. "Fuck! I said yes didn't I!"

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