Chapter 9

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"What are you two doing in my house?" Peter spat as Lily quickly made her way to him. I slowly stood up at the same time I saw Patrick's face appear besides Peters shoulder.

"We are here for her."

My eyes widened. Me? What did I do?!

"She is here to speak with us. What do you two want besides to cause trouble? No one invited you over." I could sense all the hatred Peter snarled at them from where I was standing. Lily just did her job by standing next to him, a hand on his shoulder as if to urge him on.

"We. Came. For. Her." Patrick gritted out through his teeth. "We are not leaving her in this place. Who knows what you would do to her."

"We would never harm her!" Lily snapped so harshly, even I flinched at her words. I couldn't bare to continue hearing this fight, so I made my way to them and squeezed besides her so I was smack in the middle of both couples.

"What is so wrong into wanting to talk to them? It's none of your business who I talk to and when I talk to them. Now why are you truly here?" I asked annoyed, my hands on my hips. I felt two pairs of eyes making holes on the back of my head while the other two stared at my face surprised.

"We are here to make sure you're safe. You can never know what these Capulets are up to these days," Lauren spoke for the first time. Her voice was so calm and sweet. If I hadn't been here to witness everything, I would have never guessed that seconds ago, they were fighting.

"And like you Montagues are even better!" Lily snorted and the tension quickly built up again.

I groaned and closed my eyes. I rubbed my temples and whimpered, "I swear I feel like I'm in the middle of the Romeo and Juliet play."

Everyone went silent. I heard nothing from both sides and I slowly peeked to see all eyes on me. All four pairs were bugging out and even a few mouths were open.

"How do you know those names?" Lily gasped at me.

"Umm.... It's a play?" I said so slowly, but they still looked at me confused. Where had these people come from?? "The most known and popular play of all time written by William Shakespeare?" Lauren raised an eyebrow and I groaned. I stomped my foot and threw my hands up in the air. "Seriously? The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? 'O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?'" Silence. "Are you fucking serious? You don't know what I'm talking about?!" I was shrieking by now as they both stared at me as if I was speaking a different language. I face palmed myself and muttered, "Have you been living under a rock or what?"

"William who?" Peter muttered so confused, he looked like he lost multiple brain cells. I groaned even more and ran a hand through my hair, frustrated. This day was soo not going my way.

"You know what? I don't even have the patience to talk about that right now. We are all meeting tomorrow and talking about this. I can't believe you don't know the story of Romeo and Juliet!"

"Oh we know the story," Lauren said quickly, but then clamped her mouth shut as everyone looked at her. I took my gaze to her and she just stared back with wide eyes.

"Huh? I thought you didn't know it."

"We'll meet tomorrow. And explain," Peter stated shortly and surprisingly Patrick nodded. Lauren grabbed Patrick's hand and placed her other hand on my shoulder, pulling me back. Lily glared at her and as the tension slowly built up again, I tried to stop it from happening.

"Nuh huh! No more fighting! We-" I motioned to the Montagues and me, "-are leaving. No more words until tomorrow. Got it?" They all nodded and I slowly stepped down from the porch. I sensed two people following me and as soon as I got to my porch, a door slammed shut.

"Goodnight," Lauren called out but I didn't even respond. I just quickly closed the door and slumped down.

Oh man. What had I just gotten in to?




"Alright that's enough!" I shrieked, cutting in between their arguing. We were currently standing in my front yard, deciding where we would go but then someone -I couldn't even remember who- mentioned that I should ride with them. That then caused a riot and now they were about to break into another fight just so they could figure out the transportation problems.


They slowly looked at me and I yelled at them like if I was the adult and they were the teenagers. "This day hasn't even fucking started and you two are already snapping each others throats out! My dad is at work, Dustin is god knows where and my mom is at the store so I need a ride. And before you two go and bicker again, I will decide who to go with. Okay?" They all stiffly nodded and then I turned to Lily and Peter. "I'll go with you."

"HA!" Peter snorted and I rolled my eyes. Lauren and Patrick looked hurt, but I just ignored them and we all went our ways.

Twenty minutes later, Peter parked and not even ten seconds later, Patrick parked right next to him. Everyone stayed in their cars, waiting to see who would get out first and I hissed in frustration.

"Gah! Just get out now before I blow a fuse!?" I snapped and they all filled out without saying a word. Lauren and Lily opened both doors to the small diner we had chosen for breakfast. I sighed, walked through the middle and then almost smiled when they followed behind without arguing.

"Sit anywhere you like. I'll be right there with you," an older woman with dark, blonde hair spoke from behind the counter as she held the pot of coffee. I chose a booth far away from everyone that was big enough for all of us and I sighed when they stood, not knowing where to sit.

"Oh my god!" I groaned and scooted to the middle. The girls surrounded me and then the guys took the edge. It was sort of awkward as we all just stared at each other and then the waitress came by with the menus.

"Hi. Welcome to Sally's Diner. I'm Wendy and I'll be taking your orders. What can I get for you to drink?" she happily asked as she grabbed the pen from behind her ear.

"Coffee," everyone but me blurted out and Wendy smiled.

"How about you dear?"

"Orange juice please. And thank you."

"Coming right up. Take your time with the menu and I can answer any questions you all have."

"Not the type of questions I have," I mumbled as she walked away. When she came back a couple of minutes later with our drinks in hand, we ordered -well I ordered first and then I made Lauren order followed by Lily. Patrick then ordered, immediately followed by Peter. As Wendy took our menus, everyone had a scowl on their face.

Dang. These people really hated each other! Why??

"Everyone. Hand over your phones," I asked and they all looked at me weird. "I know you have phones! Now just give them to me so I can show you the story I'm talking about."

They all slowly pulled out their phones and after a few minutes, I gave them the play after a few clicks on Google. They all silently looked at each other before slowly picking up their phone at the same time and began to read.

All that was left was to wait.

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