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so this is a formal apology as this story is taking a while to edit, but its because i don't jut wanna post one chapter and then leave you in the dark for a month. So basically the story will be up very soon as i am working very hard on editing and i have a weeks break off of school, meaning i should finish the editing. Also this is taking a while as i am also writing a supernatural fan fiction, so keep an eye out for that, but that may take longer to upload, sorry.

Anyway i was wondering if they're was anything you wanted in this story, that you may want me to add as i care about the opinion of my readers. plus i want to add art and stuff to the begging of the chapters so if theres any you want me to use, just send it to me.

thats all and hopefully i won't keep you waiting long.

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now