chapter 1

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Phils p.o.v

my day started like any normal day: i got up, got dressed, had breakfast, went to school and then had a fight with a immature child named Dan howell. You may be wondering what i mean when i say that fighting with this child is part of my normal day, well thats because i hate him. He hates me and he makes me fight him, he gets my blood boiling and he gets me mad. i am usually a calm person but when he is around i am not.I fight with him everyday but today was different, today things changed. todays the day that changed my life for better or for worse.

It all started as i sat in my form room waiting for the teacher to take registration. Everything was like how it always is in the morning; nice and calm. Everyone was having their own chats and i was having mine with my best friend Pj. Pj is a nice kid who loves most of the same things i do, so our convocations are either very geeky or talking about what we were going to do after school. "do you want to play video games round mine after school?" Pj asked me.                                                                   "sure just reword that question because its not playing if i always win." I joke with him. His face goes to a fake hurt expression. He knows he is bad at video games so he doesn't care if i joke about it. "i sometimes win." Pj says "but only rarely." He finishes. We both laugh at his joke and everything was going great until "Morning Phillip." said the voice that i hated. He had to walk in when i was enjoying my morning. Pj and i stop laughing and Pj backs away slowly as i walk towards the voice. "Morning Daniel." I say coldly. the whole room is now quiet and everyone is staring at us, but we are only giving had glares at each other. "so Daniel did you do anything nice at the weekend, like go out with your frie... oh wait." I continue. Dan clenches his jaw, He may have some friends but not people that he would go out with often. "I may not have gone out but i did do something better. I did your mum and boy does she like me Phillip." Dan says to me and he knows that i love my mum and that she is something i will not let anyone offend.

so i do what any protective son would do if their mum was offended, i hit they guy that offended her and as i do that he fights back. The fight causes me and him to fall to floor, i'm on top of him and I'm hitting him with force and he is trying to fight back as well as trying to switch it round. so he is on top. Everyone is just watching us, no one tried to break us apart, no one wanted to dare.

I don't know how long we were fighting for or how many punches had been thrown but it seemed like the fight was going to last forever. Until we both heard the unmistakable voice of Mr Deyes shouting "DAN AND PHIL WHAT ARE YOU TOO DOING?" we both looked up to see the anger on his face. i quickly got off of him and we both stood up and brushed ourself off. "I give up with the two of you all you do is fight, thats it you are going to the nurses office and then the headmasters." Mr Deyes continued. I saw out of the corner of my eye that dan was about to say something but mr Deyes gave him a stern look. "Leave, NOW!" Mr Deyes shouted making us both rush out the class room.

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now