chapter 24

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Dans p.o.v

I was realised three days later and now I had a plan to tell the world why I have not been posting. Yes the Internet blew up when Phan was confirmed. But everyone was worried as i hadn't been online for a while, they weren't worried as i hadn't posted a video in a few days. I go months without posting one.

Once home I got a white board and pen, then began my draw my life. To any ordinary person it would not show why I had not been posting, or why I had not seemed myself in the coming out video. But to me it was perfect. I was ready to tell them.

I began with my childhood and I told them how it was great, how i would go out and climb trees, play games and actually see the world, then I told them about high school about my friends and the bets. So many bets and the great outcome of them.Then I told them about my breath encounter with college about me dropping out as it was stupid and stressful. I told them about how Phan became real, how that immy, Imogen, Micky, Hannah, Ciara and Georgie had helped make Phan a cannon. I then got onto the worst parents. I told them, about the beatings, the food lost and how phil helped me. I told them about the court case and how they went to prison.

I then Began on present day and why I was not posting. I told them about my suicide attempt and how that love had saved me, I told them that it may be a while before i post again as Phil and i were moving to London and how coincidently we were moving next door to The squad. I told them how I would be poting more after and I hoped they were okay with that.That was it, I told them my life...up to now and I hope to one day to tell my viewers more.

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