chapter 28

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A/n filler cuz i felt like it

Dans p.o.v

We had all set up the filming stuff and we were sat in the girls living room ready for a game of truth or dare.

"shall we begin" Imogen asked

"We shall." Georgie replied and so the video began.

"Sup children." All the girls said as they did a wave.

"woah, that was creepy." phil said with a shocked expression

"Yeah, how did you do that at the same time." I continued. They all just looked at each other and gave a smirk

"magic" they laughed as they wiggled their fingers. before we could sat anything else Ciara spoke

"Now, thats cleared up, Lets play a game of truth or dare. as you can see we have made some friends."

" we really haven't, these awkward people have been our friends since high school." Georige chimed in.

"well, we have friends." ciara said

"so you two ready for a game of truth or dare." Imogen asked in an evil like way, making me scared to pick dare.

"sure." Phil said

"Lets get this over with." I said with a laugh.

"alright then, would you dan care to start." Georgie asked

"Sure, i shall ask Hannah." I said looking at hannah as her head lifted up in shock. " Hannah truth or dare?" 

" i shall choice truth." Hannah said as the room booed as the called her a woos in a jokey manner.

"Silence pesants." Imogen silenced the room for me,

"Thank you Imogen, now hannah is Himmy real?" I asked making her regret choosing truth. She sighed as i thunk she knew the question would be asked.

"Himmy is not real, sorry to disappoint" Hannah said and before anyone could say anything else she continued to speak "Now Georgie, do you take a truth or a dare?"

"I shall take a dare." She said in a voice that said 'fight me bruh.'

"She has chosen a dare oh me gosh." Phil said far panicking causing us all to laugh.

"Okay, i dare you to eat the hottest chill pepper we have in this house." Hannah said 

"Alright, we don't really eat spicy food, so we won't have that hot a pepper." Georgie exclaimed and hannah just laughed as Immy brought her the pepper.

"It just so happens i brought the worlds hottest pepper today." She said as she handed it over.

"oh f you." was all Georgie said before she ate it. whilst eating it she cried a swore causing most of us to cover our ears, for a joke.

"Well done georige." we all congratulated her as she finished the pepper.

the game continued with weird Dares and Funny truths, we found out funny facts and it all ended with high school musical song and dance.

This was one of the best days of my life and i am thankful for my crazy friends.

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