chapter 19

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Phils p.o.v

After a week of taking to the police, we had a law case and we (today) are going to go prove a point, cause thats how we roll.

*skip to the court*

Dan was nervous and it was showing. He was pacing outside the court room and mumbling to himself, i had no idea what he was saying but i could make out the word 'meme' why was he thinking of memes at this moment.

"Dan calm down we have an excellent lawyer and you have the scars and bruises for proof," I told Dan.

"That's just it. I have the scars and bruises that I want no one to know about. " Dan sort of shouted at me. I was taken back by his voice. "Sorry, it's just I'm nervous and I really don't want to show my scars. " Dan told me. I saw tears form in his eyes.

"Dan it's okay, I'm here. " I told him then walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"Okay" Dan said quietly. He then looks at me and before we can kiss the court doors open.

"Dan we are ready for you. "

It was time....

Dans p.o.v

Walking into the court room was scary, the atmosphere was tense and my parents had a huge smile on their face as I walked in. I think they really wanted me back, and they were doing this by acting. Welcome to a drama household where we act in plays and in real life.

"Daniel howell please take your place on the left next to your lawyer. " The judge said. I looked behind me and saw phil give me a supportive smile then he sat down in his place. I walked over to where I should be sitting.

"So Dan you have filed a case saying your parents had beaten you, not fed you and basically tried to kill you." The judge read off a sheet.

"Yes sir I have." I agreed

"And what do you have to say about this Mr and Mrs howell." The judge asked.

My dad stood up and said "we did not do that, why would we do that he is our only son and we love him dearly." My mum was really acting now because she now had fake tears in her eyes and i knew they were fake as i know my mother.

my mother then being the famale dog she is said " He only wants to live with his boyfriend and he thinks this is the only way to do so." she hen went into full ale crying mode.

"Daniel, you know creating a fake crime scene is a crime." The judge told me obviously believing my mum and Dad.

"I know sir, but it is the truth I swear." I said back. He looked at me weirdly then I heard my mum say "we did not do it, their is no proof. " I had a plan for when this was said.

"Sir I do have proof, my first proof is that I have bruises and scars from the beating." I said

"If you may Daniele please may we see them." The judge said. I looked back to see phil looking at me and he was mouthing you don't have too. I just nodded. I had to.

I pulled up my shirt and I let the judge see them. As this was going on I saw my parents looking at me with a death glare.

"That's enough Daniel." The judge told me.

"If I may add, if you don't believe that I have a video of them beating me. I was going to make a video in my room and they beat me. " I added.

"I OBJECT" my dad shouted.

"NO OBJECTIONS, I have made my the decision. Mr and Mrs howell I sentence you to jail for 3 years. Also Mrs letter you may keep Dan. " The judge said. I turned round to phil again with a huge smile. He also had a huge smile. I'm going to live with Phil and the rest of the letters (a/n you are welcome)

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