chapter 23

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Dans p.o.v

I heard noises and felt a throbbing pain in my head. This confused me, why could I feel and why could I hear, I was dead, i should be dead. If I was dead then I should not be able to open my eyes, I opened my eyes. Yep I was not dead, i can't even commit suicide right. this also means phil and Mrs lester are not safe.

"Ahh Mr howell, your awake." I heard someone say. I tried to speak but I got stopped.

"Don't speak. You are proberly confused so let me help set you at ease. You tried to commit suicide and you got saved by a ...Mr phil lester." My heard skipped a beat, Phil followed me and he ... Saved me. He nearly killed himself for me. of course he would.

"I know that Mr lester is your friend, his mum told me, and you are proberly wondering what happened to him. He is still asleep but he is fine just cold, he may wake up today if so I will send him in. As for you Mr howell you are not quite okay, you have a cut to the back of your head and you have concussion. Also we are going to find out why you attempted suicide, once we allow you to speak." The doctor ,I'm guessing, finished. I was allowed to speak to other guests though.

"Hey dan." I heard the unmistakable voice of Imogen say as she Immy, Hannah, Georgie,Ciara and Mickey walked in and each took a seat near my bed.

"Hey guys." My voice came out kinda husky as i haven't spoken in a while.

" I would ask if you are alright, but thats a stupid question." Immy said

" Meet Immy good at pointing out the obvious." Hannah said. This made me laugh, this group is very good at cheering people up.

"So, lets not talk about me. How are you guys?" I asked, the didn't question the fact i didn't want to talk about me, they knew, they understand.

"Good, as you know we are youtubers like yourself and we are moving to London soon." Georgie told me.

"Phil and i are also moving to London soon." I said "shall we see if we have don a weird coincidence thing and brought houses next to each other." I asked

"Yeah." they all agreed. They told me where they had moved to and to my shock phil and i had brought the house next door.

"HECK YEAH!" Mickey said happily

"we can finally collab." Ciara told me and i nodded to the idea.

"We can also keep you awake all night and annoy the heck out of you" Imogen said whilst laughing, i laughed at this too.

We all talked until the doctors kicked the all out as they thought they were too noisy, only Immy and Mickey apologised for this.

Once they left i went back to sleep. But not for long, since I heard the door open and again a nurse shook me awake. This time I was asked a question but I was greeted with a heart breaking voice "why Dan?". It was phil. This is when I broke and told him everything, the texts and that the only way to keep him safe was too kill myself. During all this Police officers walked in and noted everything down, They told me that an investigation would be held and they will sort it out. I thanked them before they left.

Once they left there was a few seconds of silence before i broke it " Did you see the gang, they were all here." I asked phil.

Phil looked at me and smiled " Yeah i did, they told me that we were going to live next door to us. also that they were going to annoy the heck out of us."

"Sounds like them." I said smiling. everyone seemed like they were doing well with their lives, i wasn't. My parents suck.

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now