chapter 10

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Phils p.o.v

*same day but earlier*

I had got a text from Imogen and she told me to meet her at Starbucks at 12:35, she also told me that we would be meeting her other friends in whsmith. I sent her a text back saying' okay, but I may be a bit late because I have to get the bus and we know how predictable buses can be!' She sent Back 'okay, i know the struggle' It was about 11 o clock when my dad shouted "Phil if you want to be on time I would walk to the bus stop now." I ran down stairs with my wallet and bus pass in my pocket.

"Bye dad" I said as I reached the door.

"Bye phil and remember no buying animals." Dad told me.

"Fine." I said a bit annoyed , i mean i only brought a hamster once. yes i breeder them but it was one time. My walk to the bus stop was filled with music blasting through my headphones, Mainly of muse and fall out boy.

*time skip to out Starbucks *

I was at star bucks 5 minutes before I should have been there, which was a big shock as the bus was early! Buses are never early. so I got myself a hot chocolate and sat down and waited most likely looking very awkward.It took Imogen 10 minutes before she actually arrived.

"Hey Phil." Imogen said happily

"Hey Imogen" I said.

"We need to go to whsmith to meet the others." Imogen exclaimed.

"Okay" I said as I got up and Imogen and I walked out the door. It's was only a quick ten second walk so Imogen and I did not really talk much. When we walked into whsmith a brunett girl with a side fringe and chin length hair,ran up to her and gave her a big hug. I looked up and looked to see some other people running to imogen but out of everyone there was one person I saw that I did not want to see, the one person who I did not want to see this weekend. This person was Daniel howell.

Immy p.o.v

This was going to be the most awkward town trip ever. Once seeing Imogen I ran up to her and told her "this will be fun." She chuckled a little. She turned too look at phil, he seemed confused and he had a hint of love in his eyes. I looked too see where he was looking and it was right at Dan. Did Phil have a thing for Dan? I shook it off for a while as Imogen was introducing Ciara, hannah, Mickey and I too phil since he already knew Georgie. I knew that Dan would be feeling a bit lonely so I went up to him.

"Are you all right?" I questioned

"Yeah, just a bit annoyed that Phil is here." He said truthfully

"Yeah... Sorry about that, but maybe you and him could make friends." I said.

"Its not that, we are friends now... Its hard to explain" Dan said as he looked at Phil and my friends, then to the ground.

"Thats good you are friends, it means that we can all go out more often, well that is if you like my friends." I chuckled and and so did dan "Come on then let's go to talk to them." I told Dan. Both of us walked up to where everyone was.

"Hey everyone." I said happily.

"Hey." Everyone but Phil said in unison.

"Dan this blonde girl here is Imogen." I introduced.

"Hey Imogen." Dan muttered

"He is shy." I whispered to Imogen. I looked up to see Phil looking down at the ground, I think Phil defiantly had a crush on Dan,but my only question is does Dan have a crush on Phil.

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now