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40 years later.

Dans p.o.v

I hadn't made a proper main channel video in years but I think it was time I did. This video was going to be telling them. I got my white board and Len out and began my story again.

I told them about how my childhood was the best thing ever and how my parents used to be so nice. I then told them about how I was such a cheery child. I told them about my school life and about how I made an enemy that would be in my life forever. I told them about high school and how my enemy became my boyfriend. I told them about how my parents tried to kill me when I came out. I third them about my suicide attempt and I told them that a boy who used to want to kill me saved me. I told them about moving in with my old enemy and I told them about how my parents still found away to hurt me. I told them about how the person who used to never like me loved me for me. I told them about how the boy who was like a bully saved me from the people who gave me life. I told them about how I proposed to the person who I was least likely to propose to. I told them about my wedding day, I told them about how beautiful it was...how beautiful he was. I told them how I took his name. I told them that a year later we adopted a child. I told them about how proud we were when our child (dil) said his first words, rode his bike, walked, made friends and his he grew up to be the best son their was. i told them how my old friends helped me out the dark times and how we are all still friends and how i am the godfather to one of there children and how one of them is the godmother to dil,I then told them that years later my love if my life soon lost his life. I told them how I cried for months. I told them how he died. I told then he died of lung cancer. I told them about how our last days were spent just hugging and talking. I told them how that when he died I died inside too. I then told them how dil had helped me be me again. I then told them the name of the boy who gave me life. I told them his name was phil. I the. Told them the words that I was going to die soon and join phil again. I told them that I had days to live. I tolod then sorry then told them "this is the most fun I've ever had....goodbye Internet. " then i posted the video and shut down my laptop. I no longer needed it where i was going. I layer back in my bed a whispered "I am on my way phil, i will be with you soon."

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now