chapter 11

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Phils p.o.v

As Dan walked over with that immy girl I could not look. I just stared at the ground, he was on my mind since yesterday and when at Starbucks I finally got him off my mind. Looking at him would get him on my mind again. I blocked out whatever everyone was saying because hearing dans name, voice or hearing him laugh would definitely bring him back in my mind.

"Phil, are you all right." I heard someone ask. I looked up from the ground to see Dans eyes staring at me with concern.

"Yeah... I'm fine, w..where are the others." I stuttered.

"The others had been gone ages. You blanked out for a very long time." Dan giggled. This made me smile his giggle was so cute.

"Ok... Um...wanna go to Starbucks ...with me." I suffered out as I looked at Dan with loving eyes, God phil what a way to hide your feelings.

"For a guy who can come up with a comeback in less that a second. You are really bad at asking me out on a date." Dan said whilst blushing a little.

"So this is a date." I said whilst smirking Dan started to giggle, that's when I could tell he was joking, so I started to laugh too.

"Its whatever we want it to be, so Come on Phil let's go to Starbucks." Dan said as he started walking out the door of whsmith. The walk again was short, so no need to talk. As we arrived in Starbucks Dan asked me "so what do you want to get?"

"Umm.. I would like a mocha please. " I answered.

"Okay, I'll get the drinks and you get a table." Dan told me. I walked off to get a table. The best was right near the window, i mean it had a view and everything. After about 10 minutes Dan came along with my drinks. He sat down and there was a silence for a few minutes but it was a nice silence but it was broken by Dan.

"Umm...Phil can I tell you something." He asked, he looked scared. Causing me to be worried.

"Yeah sure." I said cautiously.

"Imgay" Dan said really fast. "Andireallylikeyou"

I was shocked Dan liked me. Dan was blushing and looked quite awkward. I just looked at Dan and just smiled.

"why you smiling?" Dan asked blushing.

" Oh just because of what I'm about to do." I say laughing, i knew dan was going to ask a question but i cut him off, with a kiss.

Dans p.o.v

Phil was kissing me, he was kissing me, Is this real. Am i dreaming? I did not react for about 10 seconds but soon I kissed back. Phil was first to pull away. He looked down then up at me with a huge smile.

"Well I'm bi and I like you Dan." He said with a huge smile on his face.

"That's nice." I said. I then realised something "so we made this a date, didn't we."

"It can be whatever you want it to be Dan." Phil said with a smirk as he made fun of what i said earlier.

"So umm... Dan...will you be my boyfriend?" Phil asked whilst stuttering.

"Sure I'd love too." I said happily. We both looked at each other and smiled. I can't BELIVE that the boy who I have hated forever has been the boy that I have always needed. I know that phil will help me, Something amazing will come out of this.

We talked and talked till Starbucks shut, then I asked Phil "do you want me to drive you home?" Phil nodded his head. We started walking in the direction of my car, we were still talking, I can't believe we were still talking. The journey to his house was not long so when Phil got out the car to walk into his house I walked with him. We go to his door and Phil said "its been a fun day, and an eventful one."

"Agreed." I agreed we then looked at each other in the eyes. His eyes were beautiful green, blue and bits of gold, they were beautiful. We then stared to lean in and we kissed. The kissed was cut short by the sound of a door and phils parents going "oh"

Phils p.o.v

well poo,This is going to be fun to explain.

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