chapter 15

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Phils p.o.v

Dan has been getting quieter and was being very cautious and I thought he was just losing his voice and getting cold, but I now know that this is not the case. I know this because that during gym he was changed before lesson started and when getting back into school uniform I noticed bruises which he quickly covered up. I am now determined to fined out why? and who would do this to him. Trying to speak to him may Be an option, but I don't think I will get any reply. But it doesn't hurt to try.

"Hey Dan, anything wrong." I asked, he just shook his head and walked out the gym room. I ran to catch up with him. Now I know that something is wrong, he doesn't run.

"DAN! JUST TELL ME" I shouted. He flinched away and then I don't know what happened but he started to shake and hyperventilate. He backed away into a corner rocking back a forth with a scared expression.

I cautiously walked up to him and said "its okay, I'm here. I know this may be hard right now but breath in for 4 seconds and then out for 4." I knew that was a war yo calm people down form a panic attack. I could see him try but nothing was working, he darted to panic even more and then he. fainted.... I didn't know what to do so I put him in the recovery position then shouted for help. in seconds i had people surrounding me and mr butler on the floor next to me.

"What happened ?" He questioned while making sure someone was running to get the nurse.

"he was having a panic attack and he couldn't calm down, then he fainted." I replied.

"Okay." Mr butler said. We were left in silence until Mrs deyes came and took Dan away to go to the nurses office.

Dans p.o,v

I woke up in Mrs deyes office dazed and confused. Confused because last thing I remembered was I was in school, and you don't sleep in school At least you don't with people knowing.

"Ahh, your up." I heard someone say, I tried to lift my head but someone pushed it down "don't try to move, now Dan what happened." I now knew who it was, only Mrs deyes would have so much concern In her voice. Now why would I be in Mrs deyes office. "I...i..i d..don't " I stuttered honestly.

"Okay, so anything new." She asked

"Yes actually...I..I'm going out with phil and that's about it." I half lied about the that's about it.

"Dan.. I know that's not true." Mrs deyes told me in a stern voice. I was now starting to panic, what does she know?

what do you mean?" I questioned

"I know about the bruises, the scars and I think I know what is going on. " Mrs deyes told me. I was going to break down any second but I managed to bring myself together to ask

"what do you think is going on." There was a pause before her answer

"I think that someone I beating you, starving you and I think this is happening because you are gay, i happens often and i am going to help you. " I broke down and cried for too long, luckily Mrs deyes was there to calm me down. After a while I managed to calm down a little before Mrs deyes asked in a whisper "who's doing this to you Dan?" I could only shake my head.

"Dan I get if you don't want to tell me, but I can only help you if you tell me. " Mrs deyes said still in a whisper.

"i can't tell you" I said. "Just don't tell phil" I then broke down again.

"I won't but, dan i know its hard to tell me, but you have to. But only when you are ready."

I did not here what Mrs deyes said next all I know was that next I got sent home, or hell.

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