chapter 3

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Phils p.o.v

He has to be joking, there is no way he is telling the truth. He knows that if  Dan and I do an anti bullying project together, I would kill him, or he would kill me or worse we would get expelled. (A/N ayyyy my fellow wizard and witches.) "No way we would kill each other!" Dan shouted saying what i was thinking, as he shouted i looked at him and i could see the annoyance in his usually nice face. " Mr howell Do you think that you should use that tone with me." mr lee looks at dan with a stern face. this makes dan look to the ground and for me to smile. Mr lee give me a stern look too, then he continues "Now you two will do this and you will do this well , as  you are some of the smartest students in school." Mr lee finishes. 

"But  the thing is we don't even bully each other. we just hate each other. " I pointed out. finding a loop hole, as there had to be a way out. I turned over to look at Dan to see him nodding, we never agree on anything but when we do its that we both don't want to do a project together. "Well Phil by the way you to act toward each other it seems like bullying. so by that you are both bullies and the subject of bullying. Any way you have to do it or I have no choice but to expel you." Mr lee stated. This was a shock, both Dan and I had our mouths hanging wide open. I could not get expelled, if i get expelled first of all mr parents will kill me and second of all i have to get into the university of manchester. "fine, we will do it." We both say at the same time, shocking the both of us. Maybe dan and i have more in common then i think.

"Good ,now off you go to the lessons you should be in." Mr lee told us. Both Dan and I got up from our chairs and Walked out the door, after we both tried to get out first; almost causing another fight till mr lee stopped us. once we got out the door Dan asked "how about we go over to my house to get started on this project.  since The faster we start the faster we will get it done and out each others lived" Dan said bluntly as he looks at me i can't help but study his face. his eyes look like chocolate and they had a bit of a twinkle to them. His face was flawless, he's like an angel... WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME? why am i looking at dan like this, why do i have this feeling in my stomach, am i ga... "Yoo hoo dreamer boy, can you or not." Dan says as he waves his hand in front of my face, causing me to awakened from my thoughts. "Yeah I can." I reply quickly, dan gives me a strange look for a second then he says "good" With that he is gone, we go our separate ways until after school when we will meet again.

A/N still a short chapter sorry. Just a comment i really like cute fan art and i hope one day i get some made of me, not because i want to be famous but so i can appreciate them and set them s my background.

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now