chapter 7

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Phils p.o.v

I looked up from my drawing,as i was nearly finished. I look up to to see Dan concentrating. His eyes were soft and he had a small smile, in the corners of the smile i could see his dimples, they kinda looked like sad faces His usually straight hair was going curly at the ends. He looked kinda cute...okay i'm bi. "so, you nearly finished?' i ask Dan, trying to stop my thoughts. "yeah, do you want me to show mine first?" He says, i nod. "okay basically my plan is we make a campaign that we get all bullies and the people they are bullying. And we put them in isolation together until they get on and if they don't get on we keep them apart. Also we se why the bully bullies and if we can help them." He finishes. His idea was actually really good, a lot better than mine. There was no point in me showing mine now. "That is real good!" i complement. He looks up to me with sparkling eyes with a smile and a blush. "Thank you, come on your turn." He says.

"I actually didn't get anything so your idea it is." I tell him ignoring my earlier plan as seeing the happiness and sparkle in his eyes was something i wanted to stay.

"Shall I show you min first" I asked. Dan just nodded. "Okay I decided that we should use a hell line so that those who are getting bullied can call it any time of the day, and they can get help and advice." I said showing him my drawing of people at a phone. "That's good but there is a flaw." Dan Said.

"And what would that flaw be ?" I questioned.

"The flaw is where will we find people willing to stay up all night just to answer a call." Dan pointed out. I got to admit that was a pretty big flaw.

"I don't know. But we could work it out." I said.

"Okay..... My turn." Dan said In a cute exited way, "my plan is we make a campaign that we get all bullies and the people they are bullying. And we put them in isolation together until they get on."

"Thats actually a pretty good plan" I thought out loud.

"Why thank you." Dan said in a posh accent. Causing me to laugh just a little. Dan just looked at me and smiled.

"What shall we call it?" I asked.

"Umm.... Bully or be isolated. " Dan suggested.

" I think we should come up with the name later." I said. I then looked at my watch to check the time, and realised I had to do.

"Dan I've got to go home now. Do you think you could give me a lift?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. " Dan said.

*time skip to outside phils house*

When outside my house Dan looked up a me with a hint if sadness in his eyes. But he had a smile on his face.

"Same thing Monday. "Dan asked. Since today was Friday.

"Yeah sure." I said happily. Dans eyes lightened up and his smirk grew. He was so cute. It was at this moment I knew I was gay and In love with Dan.

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now