chapter 13

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Phils p.o.v

I told Dan to go home after what happened. I wanted no arguments, Dan left gladly as he seemed pretty awkward about the situation. I walked through the door and sat down on the sofa, my parents walked in and sat opposite.

"So you want to know what's going on, how your straight son has a boyfriend?" I questioned. They nodded there heads. I think they were in shock.

"Well, your sons not straight and he kinda bi" I said.

"But...when?" My mum questioned.

"I guess I've always known, its how i was born. that boy back there is just the first boy I've ever dated." I told the .

" can't be gay." My dad said.

"And why not." I questioned

"Because you only allowed to like girls. Your a boy." My farther said. This got me mad. I am now ready for a speech.

"So I'm a boy and I'm not allowed to like other boys. This is not fair, everyone is allowed to love the people they want not ,after gender, no matter size, not matter colour basically no matter what. Would you still love mum if she was a man?" I asked

"Yes...oh" my dad replied.

"So you see it's not gender, race ,size or if someone has anything wrong or not. It's personality, Dan has the best one of those. Plus when he smiles,too me the whole world stops, when he giggles his eyes light up and his giggle is adorable. Plus when he blushes, it's beautiful. And you want to know why this is so importent to me?" I asked.

My parents just nodded. I think they were shocked that I could say all of this, yeah parents i can say big words.

"This is so important to me because I am now part of the reason why he does all these things. This makes me happy and I don't care what you say, nothing will stop me from liking him." I finished. Both my parents looked at me in shock. Around a minute later mum said "We approve, it's obvious how much you like him and how much he keeps you happy,some approve. " I was so happy that I ran and hugged them. Now I can have Dan over and I won't have to lie. I ran upstairs and texted Dan "we are approved off." He texted back immediately saying. "Yayxxx" we then had a text chat for the whole of the rest of the day.

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now