chapter 5

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Phils p.o.v

Once Dan and I went our separate ways i started to think that maybe if we didn't fight all the time, we could actually be friends. Maybe not the best of friends but good friends. My thoughts continue to wonder and before i know it i am outside my classroom. I give myself a minute to prepare myself for the looks of 'oh your are an escaped convict ' or 'you killed a puppy.' then i walk in. Turns out no one was in the music room apart from Mr sivan. "ah, phil you have arrived, i don't need to know what happened but i hope you are alright." Mr sivan says.  "Yeah i'm fine, thank you for asking sir." I tell him. Mr sivan nods and then speaks again "the rest of the class are in the music rooms writing a song, I expect you will want to work with Georgie and Imogen and if you don't, well they have already said you are in there group. so hop along to room M6. they got a good one for you." He finishes as he opens the door for me. I thank him quietly and then walk to M6.

I get to room M6 and i open the door to see  Imogen at the piano starting to play some random notes and Georgie has a guitar in her hand stemming some random chords. They don't notice me till i say " Started without me did you?" They both turn round and say "PPHHIILL!!", they are like weird twins they can say the exact same thing at an time. I go to the drum set and take a seat. "So who hit who first?" Georgie says playing it cool, but i can tell there is a bet on this. There is always a bet, last year it caused Georgie to dye her hair neon green; neither she or the teachers were happy. "I hit dan first." I tell both of them. "Oh come on." i hear Imogen say.  " oh yes my dear child, its time for your moment. You will be singing we are all in this together in the middle of assembly." Imogen looks to the ground as georgie and i laugh.

we continue to have funny chats with each other and making a song up, we may chat but we get the work done. By the end of the lesson we have nearly finished a whole song and we have also learned to play we are all in this together, much to Imogens annoyance. Before the bell rings signalling that we have a break Imogen asks me " so as i am going to commit social suicide, before i do i think that you phil. you owe me a trip to town, so wanna come with me, Georgie and some other friends at the weekend." "sure i would love to." I tell them with a smile and with that the bell rings and break has started.

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now