chapter 14

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Dans p.o.v

When Phil told me to leave I was going to object but he told me very sternly that he wanted no arguments plus i didn't want to be there any longer, It was hella awkward. I walked over to my car a little scared about what was going to Happen to phil, would his parent would approve of us or not. The approval of his parents was all I needed because I knew if I told my parents that they would not approve. I drove home and all that was on my mind was would they approve. I parked outside my house got out my car and walked into my house, phil still on my mind

"Hey Dan how was town?" My dad asked. The memory of town came back to me instead of phils parents. I had a huge smile on my face.

"It was amazing" I said happily.

"Mm m" great my dad now knows that something happened. Before he could say anything else I ran upstairs into my room and closes the door. As I waited for ,at least, a text from Phil I went on tumblr. It was around 1 hour later when I got a text from Phil telling me that we have been approved of. I was really happy so I sent back yay. We spent the rest of the night talking.

*skip to the morning*

I woke up to hear "DAN HOME DOWN HERE NOW!!!!!" I was confused why would someone be shouting at me so early in the morning. I went down strairs to see what was going on and i wish i didn't.

"Dan we went through your phone last night and we know about Philand we disapprove." My dad said as I walked through the living room.

"Why it does not matter about gender only personality." I told them. They just looked at each other and laughed.

"Really son, you don't know the way the world works.Any any way if you don't dump him right this minute you will regret it." My mum told me sternly. I thought that they were joking so I said "no" that's when the worst thing ever happend. My mum and dad did something i never thought they would, the abused me. Verbally and Physically. They left me a mess on the floor as the went to work. I was there for a while but at least tomorrow i would see phil at school, where my parents can't stop me from going.

*skip to school*

Phils p.o.v

I went to school happy because I knew that Dan would be right in my form room. I sat in my form room waiting, for Dan. Ten minutes later Dan walks in and sits right next to me,everyone in the room waited ready for a fight.

"Hey Dan." I said cheerfully

"Hey Phil." Dan said happily just not as happy as usual. I ignore this and carry on the convosation.

"What did you do in Sunday?" I questioned.

"I...just did homework." Dan responds. Everyone in the room has a face which is full of shock. I see pj stat to walk over to me.

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

"Just talking to Dan, what's wrong with that." I ask he looks at me funny, then walks back to my desk. Dan and I have a convosation until...

"DAN PHIL STOP....oh" Mr deyes began "your not fighting, thats new... but good."

"No we are not." Dan says happily.

"And yes it is." I said whilst smiled. We both look at each other and smile. The rest of the day was spent with odd looks from everyone, including teacher. But it was a great day with Dan.

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now