chapter 26

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Dans p.o.v

After moving in, things went down hill for me. I got more texts from my parents, saying I should try and kill myself again. Also since coming out I started to get mean comments about me being a fag and that I'm not wanted in this world. I wanted to just die.

This may have been happening but I let phil know nothing, I put on a brave face every day and I cried myself to sleep at night or i paced till the morning. I wanted phil to know nothing, I did not want to hear the heart breaking voice he could do. I wanted to die but I did not want phil to be upset.

"Morning Dan." Phil said happily as he walked into the living room. I was already watching anime.

"Morning phil, don't eat my cereal." I joked, faking a smile and a laugh. He laughed along with me. The laughter died down and he got himself his cereal then cuddled up with me.

"Dan, you know I love you right." Phil told me. I think he might know.

"Love you too." This was not faked, I smiled and kissed him, I do really love him.

Phils p.o.v

I knew everything about Dan, him pacing early in the morning, the late night cries and the mean comments and the texts. It was eating me away knowing that I had to keep a happy face and my happy nature, even though knowing that he is not happy it mad me unhappy.

I know that Dan wanted to kill himself, he said it when he slept. I could him through the walls. It broke my heart to know that the person I loved I was not alright. Knowing that Dan was being bullied by the Internet and the people who gave him life, it broke me.

Yes Dan had millions that loved him and some might say that he was a hero but others , they only wanted to hurt him and I don't know why. He is nice to everyone and he has done nothing wrong. Being mean has no excuse though.

"Morning Dan." I say to Dan as I walk into the living room trying to get to the kitchen.

"Morning phil. Don't eat my cereal. " He said, then faked a laugh and a smile. Why can't he just tell me. I laughed too. But just to keep Dan happy. I got my breakfast then sat down with Dan and told him that I loved him. I didn't want him dead. He told me he loved me too and he real smiled and laughed. He's not allowed to leave me, not again.

i never really hated you (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now