chapter 8

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Imogen's p.o.v

*end of school day*

Georgie and I waited at Immy's and Hannah's locker for about 3 minutes before they came.

"hello, its me i was wondering if you wanted to hurry your butts up" I sang as i sabot hannah and Immy walking to there lockers, they were walking at Hannahs pace so they were going quite slow.

"I mean we could." Immy started and stopped as she looked to hannah who shrugged her shoulders and finished her sentence "But where is the fun in that." Gosh they are so shippable, they hate it making us make as many Himmy jokes as we want.

"well you probably took so long as you were secretly making out." Georgie said smirking as i gave her a high-5. At this both hannah and immy pulled a face at us and sighed, making us laugh even more

"You know what poo you, both of you." Hannah said as she jokingly pushed both Me and Georgie.

"Any way, do any of you actually have to go to your locker." I asked.

"Nope." Hannah and immy said at the same time, They need to stop, i mean most of the school ship them.

"Okay then let's walk to the bus stop then. " I said really exited. As we walked down the hill we stopped talking about Himmy and we were being our usual selves, Talking about supernatural, then not talking about supernatural as it annoys me, then making more Himmy jokes. What a life we lead.

From the amount of Himmy jokes i could tell Hannah and Immy were getting annoyed so i changed the subject, " Have any of you invited any other people to town with us tomorrow?" I questioned.

"Yeah we invited Dan and he said he could come as well." Hannah said really happy. Her and immy were like dans friends and they wanted him to be our friend as well

"Oh..," Georgie and I both said, looking at each other then the ground.

"What's oh?" Immy questioned.

"Um... We may or may not have invited Phil and he also said yes. " I said a little nervouse.

"Oh shit" Hannah and immy said at the same time.

Phils p.o.v

Now that I know that I like Dan, I needed time to think about what I need to do. At least I won't see Dan till Monday

Dans p.o.v

Now that I know that I like Phil, I needed time to think about what I need to do. At least I won't see Phil till Monday

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