chapter 9

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Dans p.o.v

I got a text from Immy telling me to meet her and Hannah in whsmith at 12:30, they didnt say where in Whsmith just in there. I did ask them where about but they jet said they knew that place like the back of there hand, so they would find me. The way the said it didn't make it sound like they were going to kill me so i was very happy.

It was 10 now so I have two and a half hours to get ready, just enough time to tame the hobbit hair. I decided to wear the most colourful outfit in the world... Black and black, i mean blacks a colour and its most likely more colourful than my soul.

Once ready I had time to browse the depths Internet but I had one thing on my mind the whole time. distracting me from browsing , Phil. He was not actually stopping me from going on the Internet, like he had not taken my laptop or taken down my wifi. But Phil was on my mind and he would not get off of it, That pretty boy and his eyes were stopping me and i did not like it one bit. I proberly thought about Phil for around an hour before my mum shouted "Dan if you want to get to town on time I would go now." I escaped my thoughts and went downstairs with my wallet in my back pocket and my car keys in my hand. "Bye mum." I said before I left the house.

"Bye son have a good time, and don't bye any more leather t-shirts." My mum said seriously. I mean it was only one time, she needs to let it go.

"I won't." I said as I closed the door

*skip till in whsmith*

I Got to Whsmith on time and Hannah and Immy were no where to be seen, They were most likely late, i mean they are late to everything but to school. They are extremely early to school. I waited 5 minutes before i heard "Hey Dan" come from behind me in the voices of Hannah and Immy.

"Hey immy., Hey hannah. Why so late"i questioned

they looked at each other and then shrugged "We just are." Gosh i so Ship HImmy, but i would never tell them that as they would kill me.

"Oh by the way dan these are our friends." Hannah said pointing behind me, wow this friendship group is quiet.

"This is Georgie" Hannah sayer as she pointed at a tall girl with bright pink hair and an all black out fit.

"This is Mickey" Immy continued as she hugged a small girl with black hair and bangs who was in a bright outfit.

"and this is Ciara" They both said as they leaned on the shoulder of a girl with thick red hair and an black outfit with a navy shirt.

"Hey" They all said at the same time.

"Hi, are we waiting for anyone else?" I questioned

"Yeah two more." Immy said "but they are proberly going to be late so let's just wonder round whsmith." Immy said but a little like she was hiding something. Maybe they were. 10 minutes later two people walked in one a blonde girl with a fringe, immy ran up to her. So I'm guessing they were another one of there friends. The other one was someone I did not want to see, the one person who I could not bare to look at. This person was Phil lester.

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