chapter 2

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Dans p.o.v

I always fight phil, i have always fought phil. I don't know how or when it started but it just did, and it hasn't stopped. It used to be fun but now its like a job a job that i don't want to keep. but one that i have to keep since it will never stop. It seems like it won't stop till one of our hearts do. Don't get me wrong fighting with phil isn't all that bad i mean it keeps me alert and fit, it has also got me one of my closes friends. Sad to say that one of my closets friends is the school nurse.

I was with the nurse at the moment, she didn't even have to ask why i was here; she just knew. We both knew the drill of things now, i would sit on the bed whilst she would clean my cuts and see if anything was broken. As she does that we talk. "So why did you fight this time?" was the starting question asked        "well mrs Deyes, i don't really remember as the fight seemed to last ages." I told her sounding very articulate. She laughed at how i said the words " If you are not careful, you will just turn into winnie the pooh." I laughed at this as i do know that i sound a lot like him, as i grew up watching him it was bound to happen.  "so nurse, whats the damage? how long do i have left?" I ask her in a serious voice. At this Mrs deyes breaks into laughter but once she has calmed down she tells me "No real damage done, you just have a few cuts and bruises. Now daniel do you think you like Phil?" I laugh at the last comment thinking she was joking but from the look on her face, i can tell she is not.

I have spent so much time with Mrs deyes that she is the only one who knows my sexuality, meaning she will try and tell me people who i could go out with; or people i may like. "I really don't. Why would i like someone who abuses me? If he didn't abuse me then we could maybe have a friendship, but not now." I tell her softly. She looks at me and i can't tell what she is thinking but i don't have time to dwell on it as she sends me on my way to see the headmaster.As I got closer to to the heads office I felt like I was visiting an old friend, since I'm basically always here. fights with phil have gotten me into a lot of trouble, so the headmaster and his office are like good friends.

I got to the heads office and knocked on the door, I didn't have to wait long for a reply. "Come in either Dan and Phil." the head, Mr lee said. as i walked in and sat down he spoke again " Ah Dan I knew you would be here soon, it's around that time of day."   "Well , Mr lee i could never ever miss our chats, they are ever so special." I replied. Mr lee smiled at my comment then spoke again, "Do I even need to ask what happened or should I skip right to the chase." Mr lee asked. Then he looked at me, i made it seem like i was thinking real hard then i replied with "I would skip right to the chase Mr lee."

so he did. "Well Dan, since you and Phil fight all the time I think it's about time we sort it out so..."Mr lee stopped because there was a knock on the door. HIs face went into a smirk as he knew who was there. "Ahh Phil come on in." Mr lee said as Phil walked in. Phils face was in a beautiful smile and his eye light, He looked really happy until he saw me. He saw me and then the smile faded and so did the light in his eyes. "have a seat Phil." Mr lee told Phil as he nodded to the seat next to me. Phil walked to the chair and sat down without looking at me once, He sat down and just looked at Mr lee "So as I was telling Dan, since you and him fight all the time we ( as in all the teachers) think it's about time we sort it out. So you two will be doing an anti bullying project together." My eyes went wide and my mouth fell open

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