chapter 20

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Phils p.o.v

I was so happy that Dan would be aloud to legally live with my mum and I. I had to leave the court room first but the moment I saw Dan I ran up to him and hugged him so hard, he did the same. I think we nearly killed each other with the strength of the hug.

"I'm so happy." I whispered in his ear

"Me too." He whispers back. we let go of each other then I said

"Let's go home. " He just smiled and nodded.

When at home I realised a question I had for Dan,

"Hey Dan why were you recording a video." I asked. His cheeks went red and he looked kind of embarrassed.

"I was filming a video because....I want to start youtube. " He told me. I just smiled

"Me too." I told him. I was thinking about it for so long because I had been inspired by smosh and pewdiepie and so many others that I really wanted to start youtube.

Dan gave me a huge smile then said " I hoped you would because I have a plan, we should make separate channels then we finally callab in the best way possible, but we don't tell them we are dating, or living together or that we know each will be a hoot." I just chuckled and nodded my head. I always wondered what it would be like to have my very own fandom.

"Shall we begin" I asked Dan.

"We shall." He replied.

*29 Minuites later*

Dan and I had both finished making our channels. Dan had chosen the name danisnotonfire and I had chosen amazingphil. We were going to make our new videos tomorrow.

A few months later Dan and I thought that we should do a video together.

"What should we do as it has to be epic?" I questioned. Dan thought for a while then realised.

"You know that people always ask us random questions on Twitter, we could do the best q and a with this. " Dan told me.

"Yes this will be amazing." I told Dan, the. We set up.

Before we began I thought of the best thing "Dan can we put whiskers on our face in sharpie, like I have done on my channel. " I said really exited.

"Fine but if it does not come off in two days I will cry. "Dan said being over dramatic.

We finally began and around half way through Dan could of revealed us

"I would look like voldermort." I said "I already sort of do."

"I'd do voldermort." Dan said. I looked at him then asked

"Why say that, that's sort of revealing ourselves." He just smiled and said

"No, it's just giving them clues." He then carried on. I thought about theses clues so I out my head on his shoulder at one point, and at the end I jumped on him. Once I had done that he looks up and gives me a kiss. When we pull away I just whisper "edit that out. "

30 minutes later we had edited the video.

"What shall we call it?" Dan asked. I knew what to call it.

"Let's call it phil is not on fire. " I suggested. He nodded. 10 minutes later and it was up. let the phan shipping begin.

Dans p.o.v

Phil is not on fire had got so many views and so many comments. Phil and I were looking through them now. whilst looking through the comments we got a text from the group chat with all our friends that helped us get together. it was from Imogen say 'real subtle phil and dan"

i just laughed and replied with 'well, we are very subtle i mean even immy managed to hess we were dating.'

'heyyyy, I'm not that oblivious.' cmd a reply moments later from Immy

'suurrree.' Phil chimed in

'well anyway you guys better have the ship name phan.' Imogen texted in ' i mean i made it and its bad, plus i commuted it on your video and people agree. so you have no choice."

' we liked the name anyway so thats cool, also when are you guys gonna start your youtube channel.' I asked

'soon...' all of them replied at the same time.

we stopped texting and continued to read the comments, we saw Imogens and it said 'PHAN4LYFE' and everyone did agree with phan

"This one, I think everyone have agreed on. " I said.

"Yes, I think so too." Phil agreed.

That is how Phan was born.

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