chapter 27

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Dans p.o.v

After our cuddle phil looked at me like he was worried and he wanted to talk. He either knew, or he wanted to break up. If it was the last one I would just die and if it was the first one i would also die.

"Dan I want to talk to you. It's important. " Phil told me. I was now scared, he was talking in his calm but concerned voice.

"" I stuttered.

"No need to be worried, I'm not breaking up with you. " Phil told me. I breathed a half sigh of relief. This mean that he knows, why am i right? i hate being right

"Well Dan.I know about the texts from your parents, the mean comments and that you want to kill yourself. I just want to say that don't do this to me again. I need you, I need you to be their for me and I need you to know that I'm always here for you. I will always want you around and so will the Internet. Just remember that. " Phil said.

I was taken back, phil is really good at speeches. I just looked at phil and nodded. Then broke and spilled out my feelings. He hugged me and calmed me down and I realised something...I realised phil has helped me through so much. He's saved me, he helped me realise me sexuality and he has loved me when no one else did. I am so lucky to have phil

Phils p.o.v

I confronted Dan and he opened up to me. Since he told me that his parents were still texting him, I can now finally call the police and they could track them down. So to do that I went next door.

I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Seconds later I got an answer.

"Hey phil." Hannah said as she opened the door.

"Hey Hannah, may I come in. " I asked.

"Yeah sure. Sorry if their is any mess, Immys trying to bake a cake, i mean she can bake, she just makes a huge mess" Hannah told me and i laughed. I walked into their house and saw all of them sitting in the living room on tumblr. And as Hannah has said immy was in the kitchen, with flour everywhere.

"What was it you wanted?"hannah asked as she sat down.

"Well i am here to talk to one of you as i know a big majority of there family are police officers." I told Hannah.

"Well you know who to talk to." Hannah said as she nodded in the direction of Immy "just mind the mess." She said as i stood up and walked to Immy.

"Hey phil, what can i do for you?" Immy asked not even looking up

"I want to report cyber bullying, I believe." I told Her. She looked at me then went and got her phone She came back seconds later with ir and said "tell me more." So I did.

When I was done Immy asked for dans phone. So I text him to come next door. Minutes later Dan was here and was sitting next to me.

"Why am I hear?" Dan asked.

"Because we need your phone so we can track where the texts from your parents are coming from." Immy told him. Dan nodded and gave Hannah his phone. Now Dan would be safe.

"Wait did you say, you were tracking it." Dan questioned.

"You pick up a few things when your family are police officers." Immy told us.


"Now who's up for a video, as we haven't collated yet." Micky said

"yeah come on guys, lets collab." Imogen said

"Sure, lets just play truth or dare." Dan said, so it was agreed that was what we were doing.

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