chapter 16

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Phils p.o.v

I was worrying about dan for most of the day and I did. It see him at break. So at lunch I went to Mrs deyes office to ask her. "Hey Mrs deyes, what happened to Dan?"

Mrs deyes paused were so was and it looked like she was thinking or hiding something, after a super long awkward pause Mrs deyes told me "he went home, he was it ..uh felling well." I thought that could be true because for the whole week he was looking paler and skinnier. I don't think the skinny thing had anything to do with the ill thinks but the way Mrs deyes had been talking, I think she was lying to me. " Mrs deyes you may think that Dan and I are still fighting but he is my boyfriend and if anything happens to him or is happening to him I would like to know. " She just stared at me dazed then whispered "I promised." I was confused then I saw her face it was sad and it looked like she was about to cry. I now know that something was happening and it was bad.

"Mrs Deyes you may have promised but I have loved, this is someone who I have lied about for so long. Saying I hated him but really I loved him. Love is a promise that you keep for eternity. So please let me know. I need to know." Mrs deyes just looked at me (again) properly shocked that I could do a speech like. She stopped then silently said "he's being beaten starved and this I believe is being done by his parents" I just stopped I was doing nothing but I stopped. Dan being treated like this just killed me. I fell to the floor and cried. Mrs Deyes walked over to me and comforted me. After a while i stopped then told Mrs Deyes "tell the office I'm ill and that you are sending me home." She didn't ask why and she nodded and walked to the office and told them. I walked out the school door then ran, ran to the house of hell. And I had a plan.

Dans p.o,v

At home I got beat again so I dragged myself to my room again and cried. 10 minutes later I heard the downstairs door open and the sound of phils voice... Oh no.

Phils p.o.v

Mrs howell opens the door when I knocked and she said "hi." Very politely. I ignored her and said "why are you beating Dan." Her face hardened."

Did Dan tell you" she asked in a hardened tone.

"No! I'm quite smart so I worked it out. " I shot back. She looked taken back then shouted. "STEVE COME HERE "

"YES! WHAT HAPPENED." He shouted back as he walked into the room.

"Phil knows about what is happening with Dan." Mrs howell said. Mr Howells face turned dark and he gave a dark look to me.

"If you don't get out of this house now, dear god you will be sorry." He said in a dark tone. I was scared but I did not let that show. I just looked at him then said "if you don't leave Dan alone, dear god the police will know. " I said in a sly tone. Mr and Mrs deyes looked shocked and very taken back because I don't think that they thought about the police.

"Get out my house. " Mr howell told me sternly.

"Stop beating Dan or give him to me. " I said. I realised I may have sounded like a murderer, but I did not care. "Or do you want to get the police involved.

"We are going out for an hour and by the time you are back. You and Dan better be long gone. " Mr Howell said as he and his wife left.

Once they had gone i ran upstairs and into dans room, where i found him in the corner crying.

Dans p.o.v

I heard everything. Every word apart from the end. I was too busy crying and shaking in the corner to hear the end. I felt a panic attack coming on and I think anything now could set it of. I was still in the corner when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. That triggered the panic attack. I was finding it harder to breath, ever breath was harder to take. I heard the steps come closer but I was too busy trying to breath to hide. I saw the door open and it was....phil.

"Oh my god." phil said as he ran over to me."dan I need to you look at me, okay now breath in and out. In and out. " After a while I calmed down and my breathing became normal.

"Hi Dan." Phil said

"Hi Phil." I said happily

"Dan, we need to pack your stuff. We are leaving." Phil told me. I was shocked, leaving my house leaving where and why?

"Why are we leaving?" I asked he only replied with

"I'm saving you." Phil smiled

"What?" I asked shocked

"Well damsel in distress, you are free." Phil said with a smirk

"well then night in shining armour i thank you with a kiss." I said as i kissed him. once i pulled away i said "Lets pack."

minuets later i was done

"That's all of it." I said

"Then how are we going to get home. We can't carry this all.?" Phil questioned. I thought about how, then I remembered I own a car.

"We can take my car, but...where am I staying." I asked. Phil looked at me with his huge grin. "You are staying at mine. " he told me. I gave him an huge smile. I can't wait.

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