chapter 4

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Dan p.o.v

The conversation i had with phil, before we went our separate ways, was probably the nicest conversation i have had with him. I may have talked coldly at the beginning but it was still nice. Maybe during this project we may kern to become sort of friends, But then again maybe not. as i reached the door to my class room i prepared myself for everyone to look at me like i murdered someone.

my preparation came in handy when I opened my class room door and saw around 30 pairs of eyes staring at me. All giving me the 'you have murdered 5 people' look. I just ignored it and walked to the back of the class room and took my seat next to my good friends Hanna and Immy. They didn't stare at me, they didn't even look up from there work until i sat down. "Phil?" Hannah and immy asked at the same time, as they have been friends so long its like they have this mind thing where they know what to say. I just nodded and then looked on the board to see what work Mr Sugg had given us, then i got on with that.

half way through the lesson I heard Mr Sugg say "Dan, can you come here please." i stop my drawing and i walk towards him. I stop at his desk and he continues to speak "Dan please stop fighting with Phil. You are so good at art and fighting cuts down your lesson time, this will just stop you from getting any better." Mr Sugg pleaded. Mr Sugg is a nice teacher who cares about all of his students and he always wants them to do well. I am thankful for this, so I never argue with what he says. "I am trying sir. I am doing an anti bullying project with him but It will be very hard for me not to fight with him." I replied i tell him. Mr Sugg smiles at this and then tells me "As long as you try, it will work out." he then looks to his desk and points to his desk, then says "now get back to your seat." I laugh at this and then walk back to my seat, where Hannah and Immy are waiting for me.

When in art we are allowed to talk, no one in the class abuses this fact as they respect Mr sugg. So it is always civil convocations, so as i get to my desk it was time for one of them. "How are you Dan?" Hannah asks me pretending to be a person who listens to peoples feelings. "I'm fine." I reply with a giggle. Before another question is asked i continue with my work. "so we know what happened, but who attacked who?" Immy asks, i can already tell that there is a bet on this. They always have bets, last year it caused hannah to wear a tutu to school for 3 months and immy to have gotten £120. Im hoping this time the bet is about making the other person wear clown shoes or something. " well who was it?" Hannah asks, i look up to see both hannah and immy looking at me. " this time Phil attacked me." I tell them, straight after i said the word phil i heard Hannah go 'yesss' and immy groan. "you my good friend immy. you are going to sing we are all in this together in the middle of assembly." Hannah tells immy. I laugh at this, this one is sure to be good.

"so Dan before i get completely humiliated in front of the whole school and no one ever wants to speak or be friends with me again. Im going to ask you if you want to come to town with Hannah, some of our friends and i?" Immy asks me. "Yeah sure, i would love to hang out with you before you become an outcast." I say. Immy lightly hits my arm and hannah laughs. The rest of the lesson was filled with a lot of banter.

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