I Love You, Kitten

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I love you, Kitten. I read those last words over and over off of the typed letter that was left for me on my nightstand. I'm sorry I had to go so suddenly, I'll be back soon, purrs and kisses. I love you, Kitten. When I had gotten the letter I thought nothing of it, mom was always going on impulsive excursions, coming back with twelve pairs of shoes for me and some new jewelry for her. But she has never been gone for this long. Two months. Two months ago I woke up to this letter on my nightstand. Don't get me wrong, I have all the faith in my mother- she is a survivor. And it's not like she left me in a deficit, either, we had money stored all over our apartment, I wouldn't go hungry for a while, and neither would Fox or Jax, our two cats. But she has never been gone for two months. The longest she's ever been out was for two weeks when I was seven. I nearly had a heart attack then. Maybe I'm just over reacting. Maybe I'm under reacting.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the milk carton out the fridge and drank what was left of its contents. I sat at the kitchen table and tried to clear my head. The letter. It was typed, she always left me handwritten notes. Two months has passed, she has never been gone for more than two weeks without stopping by and checking up on me. I looked across the room to her bedroom door, untouched for two months. She told me never to go in her room. I know that's where most the electronics were; like a laptop, and a printer. The only printer she could have used to print her note.

I stood and walked over to her door, reaching for the knob, I froze. What if she's just on a deep cover mission? I knew little of her line of work, but I broke it down to generous charitor by day, and super spy by night. So yes, she could be on a mission, and she could have also been kidnapped. I put my hand on the knob and turned, the door swung right open. I was expecting more of a challenge. I looked around the room, it was messy, and the air was stale. Jax startled me as he ran past me to leap in my mom's bed and get cozy. I followed him in, stepping past the threshold. Looking around again I found in a corner of the room a laptop, printer, copy machine, scanner, and a fax machine. The fax machine was really interesting. I walked over to it to get a closer look, three sheets of paper sat in the tray. I grabbed them and searched for clues.

On the first sheet there was just a photo of a ruby and diamond necklace, the second sheet was more interesting, a short paragraph, from my mom.

I don't know when you'll get this, I have to talk fast, I'm being watched. I'm in trouble, I'm in hiding right now, I need you to stay strong for me. I'll be alright, I'm a survi

The sentence stops right there and I blinked away my tears. She was going to be okay, she couldn't just leave me alone like this. I went on to the last page and found there was only three lines of information.

Find Tom-Cat.
907 s. Generic Rd. Gotham, New York

Tom-Cat... That's what she calls my father. I've never met him, and she likes to avoid the subject when I ever begin to bring it up. All I know about him is his last name is Wayne and his eyes are blue, like mine. Why does she want me to find him now? She wants his help? Or maybe she's not coming back and she wants me to stay with him from now on? Whatever her reasons were I put my faith in her anyway. I would always trust my mother.

I ran to my room and packed a book bag with a few sets of clothes, my favorite book, Bluestar's Prophecy, and the first and second message my mom left me. Pulling on some jeans and a random T-shirt that happened to show The Flash's symbol, he's my favorite superhero, though my mom always laughs at me, when I ask her her favorite hero, she doesn't answer. I folded the paper with the address and number and put it in my pocket along with some hundred and twenty dollar bills. I ran out of my room and to the front door, slipped on my boots and coat, swinging my back pack on, I pulled my hood on and opened the front door.

Taking one last look at my home, I surveyed the cat's food bowls.
They were full. I looked at the wall where the tick marks had shown how much I've grown, pictures I've drawn on the refrigerator, and a picture of me and my mom on the stand by the door where we keep the keys. I grabbed my set of keys and the picture, taking it out of its frame, I folded it up and put it in my back pocket.

I turned and walked out the door. This wasn't a trip to the grocery store. I was leaving, probably for good. My bedroom window was open so Fox and Jax could go out of they wanted, maybe just to sit on the fire escape, maybe find a new owner. I walked down the flight of stairs, out the building doors and into the brisk morning November air.

A phone. Where can I find a phone...?


I slipped through the open window silently. Dumb bird, never leave your house open, easy snag. I chuckled to myself as I looked through her drawers for something worth some coins. When nothing came up I knew why she was able to keep her window open.

I sighed and went to raid the rest of the house, a bump in the kitchen made me jump outta my skin. I swear I heard her leave. I took a deep breathand went to investigate. If it had to get bloody, then so be it. I looked in the kitchen and no one was there, I walked behind the table and found a cat playing with a milk carton. I laughed and brought my hand out to pet my furry friend. The cat hissed at me and went to scratch at my face. I yelled and walked backwards to try and dodge the Cat but then I was attacked from behind. I cried in pain as claws scratched my back and face. I didn't get paid enough for this.

I ran out the house, falling out the window and rolling down the steps to the fire escape. The cats jumped off me before I got to the bottom and walked back up to their home. Since when did they train attack cats? There should be a 'beware of cat' sign on that house.


I got to a payphone but I needed change I searched my surroundings, a small corner store and a restaurant. I walked to the corner store and bought a pack of gum, a bottled water, and two candy bars.

"That'll be $5.89, young lady." the cashier smiled politely. I gave him a twenty dollar bill and he gave me back the change and my stuff in a small black bag. I ran back to the payphone, put my quarter in and dialed the number my mother gave me. It rang. Once. Twice. Three times. And on the fourth ring someone finally answered.

"Wayne Manor, may I help you?"

My eyes widened. My father is British?!

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