Eagle Eyes

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I woke up this time to the soft sounds of Adele pouring her heart out in the background. My eyes fluttered open and I found I wasn't in my normal room on the boat. I sat up and looked around. I was no longer in a pristine white hospital room but a grand room with blue walls covered in various paintings. There was a bookcase with countless books and a few expensive looking sculptures. I got out of the large bed and got a better look. There was a maple dresser with gold trimming I ran my hand along it. I opened the drawer and found countless amounts of clothes, all in my size. I gently touched the numerous fabrics, sighing at the softness in each one.

In the corner of my room the mirror of a large vanity caught my eye. I walked over to it and noticed a few lipsticks, hair accessories, and little jewelry scattered along the top. I picked a box up, opened it and swooned. Pearls, diamonds, emeralds. I picked up another box and opened it and found it only held one thing, the ruby necklace I stole the night of my abduction. I sent a picture of it to Michelle so she would have some clue to who I was and what I was doing that night. I took a deep breath and unclasped it to put it around my neck and wear it. I based at myself in the mirror. Tortured and imprisoned for this little piece. There was a knock at the door and I sighed.

"Come in?" I called to them. The door cracked open to show the grinning face of the same woman who apparently put me here. She told me to call her Eve.

"You're looking lovely this morning." she sauntered over to me, a sway in her hips and a smirk on her lips.

I raised an eyebrow. "Thank you."

She ran her fingers through my dark hair and looked at me in the mirror. She stood behind me, her chin propped up on my shoulder. "You really are a beauty." she sighed, traces of envy under her smooth voice. Then both of her hands went to straighten out the necklace. "This does look nice on you, maybe I should have let you steal it," she chucked. "but then I wouldn't be able to see it on you." We made eye contact through the mirror.

I looked down, away from her hazel eyes. I still felt her gaze on me, her breath on my neck and her hands on my shoulders. She consumed everything that was me. The confident cool businesswoman Selina Kyle was a myth now, a legend. But legends never die, and that's all I felt, dead inside. She lifted my chin up again. I tried to look anywhere but her eyes but they caught me, brown-gold eyes looking into blue-green, and it felt like I was dying all over again.

"Why don't you join me and the girls for brunch." it wasn't a question, she didn't have to ask, she would force me either way.

"Girls?" I asked.

"That's right. The others are dying to meet you, I've told them how magnificent you are and they can't wait to see for themselves."

Right. I wasn't the only one who got sucked into this little revolution she had going on. She told me about it last night, the only thing I got from it was that she was apart of the group dangerous women that called themselves feminists but in reality want all men to die. And what man is on the top of her hit list? Batman. Apparently, he's a symbol for men to go out and rape, rob, and pillage every woman they see.

"Now," she breathed. "slip into something more appealing and meet us out on the deck. There will be endless mimosas." she giggled.

I nodded, that's all I could do. Words would only come out as a distant whisper And I just wanted her to leave. And she did. After I nodded, her hands slid down my arms and then ghosted away. She took one last look at me in the mirror and turned, walking off and out of the room. When the door closed behind her I bent over the vanity and sobbed. My new home was with a woman that wanted to kill the only man I ever loved, the father of my only child. It was one thing rooming with Harley, I could leave whenever I wanted. She was loopy, easily fooled, and she didn't have those eyes. The eyes that pierced me and broke me down and built me up in new ways. The eyes that watched every move of mine and knew what I would do next. The eyes that I wanted to gouge out with my own two hands. I wouldn't, though. I couldn't. She would find something new, she would find my biggest weakness and use it to torture me.

Who knows, with her eyes, she probably knew my weakness, she probably knew about Bruce and was sending assassins to kill him at this very moment. Kill him, or whatever she wanted to do with him, maybe she wanted to torture him too. Maybe she wanted to bring him on to her cause. If he fell for me he would be no match for her eyes. She probably even knows about Michelle. She probably has her somewhere locked up, waiting, just waiting for the moment I try something. The moment I try to gouge those brown eyes out.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked into my own eyes. I looked into my eyes and caught a glimpse of my broken soul. Though it was written all over my face, the tear streaks and redness didn't help. My face was almost as red as the rubies around my neck. I raised my hand to snatch them off my neck but I stopped. I looked at them hanging daintily at my collar and smiled. Jewels made me happy. They always had, my whole life. When I was young I coveted them, then I grew up and finally took what I deserved. And I was happy. It was on one of my heists I met Batman, and on another Michelle was made.

Sure, Bruce had offered to buy me things, and still sent me expensive jewelry pieces for my birthday and Christmas but it was the thrill of the chase that made me happy. The adrenaline, that's what it was ultimately, but getting caught by Batman was something I always longed for after the first time. He had a whole city to protect and getting him to notice me made me feel special. Some nights I would run away from him again, leaving the chase for another night. Other times, I would let him catch me. The first night we slept together I'm sure neither of us saw it coming. I was just doing my usual flirt, willing him to touch me, to kiss me. He never did it before so I wasn't expecting it when he did that night.

It became a routine thing, flirt and fuck. That's all it was, it wasn't love, not at first. I could tell he was falling, but I refused to admit I was too. It was only Batman and Catwoman. Every time Bruce Wayne asked Selina on a date she would decline. I told myself if I only allowed him in one half of my life I couldn't love him. Batman and Catwoman having a little fun, that was all. But every time I looked into his eyes I fell a little harder. His soft blue eyes that looked like they had seen the world and that I was the one thing they had yet to behold. I didn't want it to ever end, I never wanted to stop looking in his eyes. But it all came crashing down when Catwoman fucked up and forgot to take her pill. That's when the nights ended. Catwoman stopped going on late night escapades and Batman became occupied with the rest of his city.

Calling Michelle a mistake would be wrong. She was far from it. The product of lovemaking. Not fucking. She was perfect, a beautiful blend of both of us. She had my hair, his nose, my mouth, and his eyes. Perfect and blue. Her eyes were always wide, never wanting to miss a thing. Full of wonder. But I knew I could never tell him about her, not unless it was an emergency. He had enough kids to take care of. He had a whole city to take care of, I could take one life, one load, off of his hands.

I would go back into the field a few years later, Batman acted like he didn't notice I was gone, but I knew he was curious, I knew he was hurt when I didn't flirt like I used to, when he found out Selina Kyle had moved out of Gotham. I was hurt too, I was hurt I would never get to glimpse under his mask again to see his beautiful blues. But every night I went home and looked into my daughter's eyes I knew it was the right thing.

But now, I have to look into the dark hazel eyes of my captor and try not to crumble under her stare.

I got dressed and went out on the deck, I would have to sooner or later. Eve smiled at me and raised her glass when she saw me. My heart stopped, not because of her directly. But because the girl sitting next to her had Michelle's long black hair. She had my daughter's pale skin. And she had her blue eyes.

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