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"Three, two, one! Happy Birthday Damian!" The room full of people and I shout along with the people on the large flat screen TV bringing in the new year. I look around to see Damian's surprised face. But he was nowhere to be found. 

I pouted. " Where is he?"

"He was just here five minutes ago." Dick looked around.

Jason cracked his knuckles. "I didn't cancel all my new years plans for a no-show, that little demon better show his face."

Stephanie rolled her eyes. "I'm sure fifty-cent buffalo hot wings can wait, Jason." 

Jason scoffed. "This is an annual thing, Stephie, you know what annual means? It means once a year. Which means I have to wait three hundred and sixty-five days before this happens again-"

"It's a leap year actually, so three hundred and sixty-six." Tim interjected.


I bit my lip. "We should look for him."

"Great idea, Mimi, I will search the kitchen." Jason said and he walked out of the viewing room, headed to the kitchen. 

Stephanie gave me a sympathetic look. "Me and Timmy will check outside." She told me and went off to look, grasping Tim's hand.

"I'll check downstairs." Cassie said.

"We'll find him, Michelle." My dad assured me. " Alfred and I will check upstairs." 

I nodded and let them leave. I smoothed my bangs as I thought to myself for a while. If I was Damian where would I be? Ten miles away from this group of people, that's for sure. No, but what if Dad needed me. It's New Years, there's bound to be crimes galore. So I'd be close, but out of sight.

I found myself on the roof of the mansion, tip toeing closer to Damian sitting near the edge. "Hey bro." I said when I was close to him and he jumped a little.

"Your stealth is good. Your mother taught you well." He was scowling.

I sat down next to him, hanging my feet off of the edge. "The funny thing is, I never even realized she was teaching me anything until I got here. I thought it was just us playing around, and I guess it was, I had fun." 

"Kyle was training you to be just like her." He said in a bored tone.

I shook my head. "No, I think she was training me to be better than her."

"Hm." He hummed and I raised an eyebrow.

"What's your mother like?" I tilted my head.


"No?" I asked confused.

He shook his head. "No, we are not talking about my mother."

"Okay." I said and looked down at the dark grass below us. Tim and Stephanie were off in the distance making out, I turned my head away from that immediately. "Happy birthday, Damian." I told him.

"Thank you."

"You know we have a party ready for you downstairs." I raised my eyebrows, observing his reaction.

He scoffed. "I told Father I never wanted a party."

I looked up at the half moon in the sky. "Well it wasn't Father's idea." I told him.

"Who was it? Grayson? Pennyworth?" He tried.

I shook my head. "No, it was mine. I think you deserve a party, Dami."

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