The Great Migration

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I walked for what seemed like forever. I finally found the highway, it was small, but a large sign saying 'To Gotham' brought me joy. The highway was over some trees and train tracks. I decided to take my mind off some stressful things and have some fun. I balanced on the edge like my mom taught me and even did a few cartwheels. I acted like I was Black Canary or Catwoman or something, fighting bad guys or stealing jewels. Not a lot of cars went by. Guess nobody from Brooklyn wants to go to Gotham and nobody from Gotham wants to go to Brooklyn.

When I was finished with the highway the sun was finally up and I was greeted with an old beaten up sign that read "Welcome To Gotham." I was sure there were bullet holes in the wood but I chose to ignore it and keep on with my journey. I pulled out the sheet with the address on it and looked around to find a street or street number to set me on my way.


I sat in the darkness, my head pounding. It's been a while since my last session. I lost all feeling in my arms as they left them shackled above my head. I'm sure my wrists were badly bruised, my knees too. I haven't been to sleep, don't want them to catch me off guard.

I prayed my kitten and Tom were united. I did what I could to execute my emergency plan, now it's up to them. I didn't want them to find me though, not like this, broken, beaten, and scared. Just as long as they could be together, that's all I wanted.

Either my captors were going to kill me, or I was going to die from malnutrition, dehydration, and/or exhaustion. I didn't know how long I had left. I tried to fill my thoughts with happy memories. Remembering the first time I met the bat, he was clumsy and I stole his toy. He found me in the end and we unearthed the Katsu secret, a mini disc hidden in an artifact I couldn't keep my claws off, not my original motive, of course, but glad I got to dance with the Dark Knight. I remember when Selina Kyle met Bruce Wayne for the first time, then later on gave her the money from the jewels the Batman saved from Catwoman's claws.

He found me again when I was with penguin, and again to save some pretty kitties from Joker's nasty hands. He always found me, but now it's time for our kitten to find him.

I found myself dozing off when a bright light lit the room up. I blinked a few times and my eyes watered trying to adjust from being in the dark for who knows how long.

I looked up at who turned on the lights. I was confused when I saw a small brunette woman; she had to be a little older than me. She smiled and walked over to me.

"Selina Kyle. Catwoman." we made eye contact and she grinned. "You are a trooper, you know that? I've had men in your position and they've all cracked in a third of the time you've been here. That brings me to the conclusion that either you're really good at withholding information, or you actually do not know the answers to our questions." she pursed her lips. "Usually when something like this happens we kill the suspect, but none of them have ever been so pretty before." she ran a finger along my jawline and to the bottom of my chin, lifting my face a little to see it better. "So I've decided to keep you."

I hissed. "This kitty is no ones pet." I got out of my scratchy throat.

She giggled. "Feisty, I like it." she took a knee in front of me and ran a hand through my short black and bloodied hair, her hand stopped at the nape of my neck, supporting my head. Her hazel eyes looked back at mine. She brought her head close to my ear. "You say that now, but you'll learn to love living with me." she whispered. She pulled away again to look in my eyes then stood abruptly, letting go of my head. Turning away and walking out the door she stopped to look at the guard at the door. "Sedate her then cut her down. She's going to become a new woman." she looked back and smirked at me before she disappeared out of my line of vision.

Two guards came in, one holding a syringe. "No!" I screamed. With the last bit of energy and adrenaline coursing through my body I started flailing. The guard without the needle tried restraining me and I bit him on the neck.

He yelled out in pain "Bitch!" he punched me in the jaw.

"LET ME DIE!" I screamed. The other guard found his way over to me and the needle found its way in my skin. "Let me die! No. Let me die." I sobbed as I felt myself blacking out.

°Time Skip°

My eyelids burned and horrible elevator music sounded in my ears. I opened my eyes slowly only to close them again because the harsh light made me flinch. I blinked to get my eyes to adjust and found I was in a white room with only skylights that let in all the sun's rays. I tried to sit up but my head was heavy and foggy and my neck stiff.

"Good morning you pretty kitty." a woman's voice spoke and all the memories came rushing back in. I felt sick to my stomach. "I wouldn't want to move right now if I were you, you might refracture some bones. Just rest." she came into my view only to fiddle with some equipment next to me. I felt my eyelids become heavy I tried to fight it and I went under again.

°Time Skip°

I came to again with the same elevator music playing. I opened my eyes and they adjusted faster than last time. I turned my head and found that easier to do than last time too. I scanned the room and found it was clear of other life. I sat up and tried to get out of the bed. An IV in my left wrist and handcuffs on my right were restraining me. I took a quick look around again. Moving quickly I removed the IV with my teeth and used it to pick the lock on the cuffs. The click I heard was a fresh sound to my ears, I breathed a sigh of relief. I climbed off the bed and towards the door.

I listened through the wood and it was quiet. I opened it to find a bright hallway. It had to be a ten yard stretch between me and two clear double doors at the end off the hall. I swallowed my fear and stabled my breathing. I flew out the room and ran for the doors. Bursting through them, I was met with five pairs of wide eyes looking at me. Shit.

I spotted another door, the only other door in the room. I ran to it, punching and flipping and kicking. I managed to get to it and get out. I ran into someone, their back was to me. I jumped back frightened. I felt tears come to my eyes as the woman turned around and I found out exactly where I was.

"It was nice of you to want to join me on the deck, Kitty, it seems you have recovered nicely." she gave me a once-over and smiled. She looked me in the eyes and frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry, were you going to go for a swim? Don't let me stop you." she stepped out of my way.

A boat. She has me on a boat. I walked over to look off the side and felt my heart break. I tried to look in the distance to find some hint of land but all I saw was water. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Why didn't you kill me?"

"Your life is precious, every woman's is." she walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Come inside, I'll tell you all about our plan for a new world."

I wiped my tears away, looked out at the distance and sent a silent prayer out for Bruce and Michelle. I hung my head and turned around to face her stupid smiling face and I let her usher me back inside. I looked at her. "You have to change that music, though." I groaned and she grinned and gave an eager nod.

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