Curiosity Killed the Cat

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I sat in the living room watching T.V. some random show on a random channel. I've been here at my dad's house for almost two weeks and I almost never see my dad. I rarely see Damian, either. Jason left a few days ago. So I was left alone with my cats... and Alfred. Oh yeah! Titus too. I warmed up to the hound pretty quickly. Just because I am a cat person doesn't mean I hate all other animals. My cats liked him too, well, tolerated him at least. Jax liked to follow Alfred around the house while the old man worked. Fox liked to find a sunny place around the house and curl up and nap all day. In the morning you would find him in the kitchen where the windows let in the light of the rising sun. By noon he would be on Damian's bed where his sky light let in the sunlight. Damian didn't mind, not that he was ever there to witness it.

They were always gone, and I was stuck here. It wasn't a bad place to get stuck, it was a pretty big place with lots to do. It wasn't that fun without someone to experience it with. My mom and I used to go out together all the time, when she wasn't there I knew there were a few neighbors who I could go out with. I never did anything alone, not until a few weeks ago. My brother, Damian was totally independent; but I could tell he liked being with our dad anyway. But Damian always gets him. Damian, the city, and Wayne Enterprises. Did my mom know this? Is that why she never brought me here? She knew they couldn't match the amount of attention she gave me.

I shook my head and frowned. That wasn't true, Alfred gives me all his attention. But could he be a good substitute for my dad? Was he supposed to raise me? No. My dad would find my mom and I would go back to living with her, right? Things would go back to normal? I bit my lip. But how could things be normal when a girl died in my arms? When someone I wanted to protect was murdered? I made a promise to her, I will find her sister for her. And her brother.. Danny. I haven't told my dad about him yet, we haven't had a lot of time to stop and chat.

I sigh and change the channel, the show I was watching was a comedy, it was no use, I wasn't in a laughing mood. I turned it to the news instead. The death toll showed for the month of November. Two hundred and ninety-seven. I tried to blink away tears. One of that two hundred ninety-seven was Birdy. She was just another number now. Nobody knows she's dead, nobody who matters. Her sister who she loved and adored doesn't know. Two hundred and ninety-seven people in the big cities of New York died by violence in November. One was Birdy, but who were the other two hundred and ninety-six? Could one be my mother? Or was she in the toll from another month?

I try to be brave about all this, to be optimistic. I try to trust my father. But there's still the possibility that it's too late. That my mom is already.. gone.

The news reporter on the T.V. spoke grimly and I tried to focus on her voice and not my grim thoughts.

"This just in-- Shots ring out from Gotham's first preparatory school, Gotham Academy. Witnesses say a large group of students from the school are holding the other children hostage in the school's auditorium. We take you to Caitlin Finnick live at the scene..."

Gotham Academy? That's Damian's school! "Alfred!" I call out to the tuxedoed man.

"...Thanks Emily. We are being informed that the students holding the school hostage have made no ransom request; however, a bomb threat was made if officers were to interfere...."

My eyes widened. "Alfred!" I called louder, there was no answer. My heart started beating out of my chest. I hoped he was where I thought he was. I got out of my seat. They showed me the entrance to the batcave a few times, they even invited me in but I wanted nothing to do with it. I bit my lip at the sight of the grandfather clock, it was out of place, this could be bad or good. I walked down the steps, cautiously, quietly. I sighed in relief when I saw the mustachioed man sitting in front of the computer, to my surprise Jax was sitting behind him, licking his paw. I could turn back now, Alfred had this under control. But I couldn't turn away. I had to know if Damian would be okay.

My feet took me to the bottom of the last flight of stairs and over to Alfred. I don't think he noticed me. I saw he had a head set on and he was speaking into the microphone calmly.

"There should be a vent... Right.... Follow the yellow pipeline...." He spoke looking at a blueprint map on one of the big screens.

I stayed quiet but I was amazed at... everything. The technology, the trophies, the uniforms. The uniforms of my family; my father, my brothers and sisters. Pride swelled in me, however he was missing the complete set, he didn't own a Catwoman uniform, so my whole family wasn't displayed.

"Your father is approximately one minute away, hang in there, Damian." I heard him speak. I turned and saw him set down the headset with a heavy sigh. He typed something and unmuted a news cast that was playing on one of the screens. The reporter droned on. I walked closer behind the chair Alfred was seated in.

"Will he be okay?" I asked him quietly.

He turned to me with raised eyebrows. "Hm? Oh, of course, Michelle. There's nothing to worry about." He assured me.

I almost didn't believe him until a person was thrown through the window on the screen. Batman following after, the bad guy started shooting at my dad. I jumped and my eyes widened. Batman disarmed him quickly and I let out a sigh of relief.

"There you have it folks, Batman saves the day. Making Gotham Academy safe again. This is Caitlin Finnick, back to you Emily."

"Is everything they do this dangerous?" I ask the wise man shyly.

Alfred gave me a sad look. "I'm afraid your father and brother have been through much worse."

Worse than shooters and bombers and death right around the corner? I thought being kidnapped was the worst.

Alfred accompanied me on the way back up the stairs from the cave. He rested a hand on my shoulder in an assuring way. "How about we make some cookies, hm?" He offered.

I was still a little sad but I'd have to be insane to turn down cookies! I nodded up at him and smiled a small smile. "Chocolate chip?" I asked.

"Of course, Michelle." He nodded and we made our way to the kitchen. He started setting out the ingredients. "Could you get the mixing bowl from that cupboard over there?" He asked and I was happy to help. I scooted my chair over to the cabinet he was talking about, and while kneeling on the seat got the bowl down. I set in on the table as he set out the flour. Before we got dirty he put on an apron and handed me one that was my size.

We were in the middle of mixing the dough when Titus started barking excitedly. We heard the door open and I wiped my hands off to go run to the door. Damian and my dad entered looking tired. I ran up to Damian and hugged him. He was surprised and didn't return the gesture. "I'm glad you're okay." I sighed.

"I don't see why I wouldn't be." He said, brushing it off and shrugging out of my hug.

I went over to hug my dad, at least he returned my embrace. "You too." I assured him.

He chuckled, smoothing my hair. "Of course."

I let go of him and took a step back, towards the kitchen. "Alfred and I are making cookies!" I told them.

"I can't wait to taste the finished product." My dad smiled.

I turned to Damian. "You can help us if you want." I grinned at him.

"I think I'll go take a nap, actually." He said bluntly and walked past me to the stairs. My smile didn't falter and I wasn't disappointed, if he accepted the offer I would have been surprised.

"Alright, see you later." I called after him as he trekked up the stairs.

"Can I help?" My dad asked and I turned to face him, eyebrow raised.

"What about the case and my mom?" I asked him.

"Barbara - you remember I told you you had sisters - she's working on it. We're going to find your mom, no matter what." He assured me.

I didn't know how I felt about him just handing the case off to anyone. Especially someone I haven't even met yet. But I trusted my dad. My mom trusted him enough to have him take care of me if she went missing. "Okay." I said simply and we made our way to the large kitchen. Alfred greeted my dad as he put on his own apron.

I hadn't really thought about my Mom's case since I got here. I trusted my dad was taking care of it. But now I don't know. Maybe I should ask him more questions. Maybe I should venture down into the Bat Cave more.

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