A Little Birdy Told Me

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"I'm so sorry about all of this." I looked down at my clasped hands in my lap. Chrissy was across from me, laying in a hospital bed. We had been discussing everything that happened. Our stories weren't too different. In fact, we might have crossed paths a few times. I could talk freely with her. It turns out Danny was a spy for Eve and was keeping an eye on my mom and I. And he watched me as I went to find my Dad. He connected everything and told Eve. But now he was MIA along with my mother and Ivy. My dad and even Damian reassures me that Ivy wouldn't harm my mom, that they were friends. But I won't rest until she's back with me again.

The sixteen year old girl suffered a toxic shot. A poison that shut down muscle movement. We were able to get her medical attention soon enough so the doctors could flush it out of her system. She was still in recovery but she was able to scoff and roll her eyes. "You didn't shoot me. You didn't shoot Birdy." We both cringed. "It's all my fault."

I shook my head. "Chrissy-"

"No! Don't even call me that. That was my sisters name for me, and she's gone." She was getting worked up. Her heart beat faster. I placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her. "I'm just- I'm not Chrysanthemum anymore." She fidgeted with the hospital band on her wrist, stating her name and date of birth.

I nodded, I could understand that. "Then who do you want to be?" I asked.

She looked up at me hopefully. "Well writers use their middle name and their mother's maiden name sometimes."

I smiled, I heard that before. "What would yours be?"

"Helena Bertinelli." She grinned. "I like it, it has a nice ring to it."

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