Light as a Feather

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I welcomed the guests in who just arrived when giggles sounded from upstairs and my attention was pulled away. I watched from the front door as Wayne and Mizoguchi descended the stairs. I did a double take when I noticed my sister's hair was waist length no longer. I raised my eyebrows but didn't dwell on it for long. My eyes trailed over to the Asian girl wearing slacks, a dress shirt, and a black vest. Of course the signature yellow flower pin was in her short hair. I was brought back to reality by an old lady pinching my cheek. I growled under my breath. 'It's only one night' I repeated in my head.

"Hello Mrs. Gresham. Have been acquainted with my sister, Michelle?" I led her over to the girls.

Michelle shifted nervously. "Hi, I'm Michelle." Mizoguchi nudged her. "Oh, and this is my friend and schoolmate Mia."

"Nice to meet you both." The elderly lady looked back and forth between my sister. "You are a mirror image of each other. This is your long lost sister? I'm Mrs. Gresham, a family friend." She went in for a hug that Michelle was not prepared for. He pulled away and now it was my sisters cheeks that were being assaulted. I smirked to myself.

"Um yes, we were separated in the agency." She recited the lie we agreed on. "I was in and out of homes in Brooklyn and Metropolis while he was able to stay closer to home." She smiled.

"So you were both born in Gotham, then?"

Michelle nodded. "Yes ma'am."

"That's wonderful that you both found a home now. Bruce Wayne is such a good man. Oh there he goes, speak of the devil. Happy Birthday, dear."

Father rounded the corner and approached with a wide smile. How could he do it? How could he uphold the act that was Bruce Wayne? I noted the champagne glasses in his hands and had my answer. He kissed the woman on her cheek and handed her a glass. "Mrs. Gresham , not looking a day over twenty-four. Show me to your fountain of youth."

Mrs. Gresham chuckled. "Stop it, young man, My husband is nearby, you'll make him jealous."

I sneered as they prattled on. I noticed Michelle was looking uncomfortable herself. So did father. "Damian, why don't you take Maps and Michelle to see Barry, Iris, and Wally? They just got here."

"Gladly." I muttered and led the girls away. The crowd was growing substantially. I saw Pennyworth walking around with a tray of hors d'oeuvres. I finally found the Flash family. "Allen, Wests, this is my sister Michelle and our friend Mizo-"

She cut me off as I introduced her. "Maps, nice to meet you." She smiled.

"Hi." Michelle greeted.

I wondered if our father told her who her favorite hero's true identity was. It's not like we could reveal it now with Mizoguchi here. I realized I wasn't paying attention for a while and tuned back into the conversation.

"Yeah, your father and I have been associates for a while now. Mostly on his personal projects." Allen was grinning.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He had better not let too much slip. Wally West caught sight of the hors d'oeuvres and edged away to chase Pennyworth. Iris stayed near Allen. I poked Mizoguchi. She looked at me with raised eyebrows. Gestured for her to follow me, I led her to a quiet corner. "This party is a bore. You want to go to the game room?" I asked her.

She was looking around and gawking. "Give me a tour first!" She exclaimed. "I bet there are hidden passageways all over."

I frowned, this is why I never invited her here in the first place. She was too curious and smart for her own good. I looked at the small bouncing girl next to me and found a mike growing from my frown. Who cares if she finds out. I wouldn't have to lie to her anymore. "Let's start from the top." I said and led her to the attic, we dodged groups of people chattering and barely made it around the flocks of old ladies who would pat our heads and pinch our cheeks. I let her have free reign in the attic , looking at old paintings and dusty furniture. There was little to be found but it looked as if she was amused, nonetheless.

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