Nightwinging It

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"You can do acrobatics?" I asked Dick at the breakfast table. My eyes were wide in amazement. Damian was there across the table, he rolled his eyes.

He chuckled. "Yeah, that's kind of where the name 'Robin' came from." He took a bite of his pancakes. "I flew through the air like a bird."

Alfred walked in the kitchen. "If you were a bird what would you be, Michelle?"

I thought for a moment. "I like Swallows a lot."

"I'll go warm the car, Pennyworth." Damian dismissed himself. I noticed his plate was empty, he sure ate fast.

Alfred watched the boy leave and shrugged. He took the empty plate and set it in the dish washer. He turned back to us, eyes on Dick. "I remember you used to practice everyday in the room Bruce installed."

Dick chuckled. "Yeah."I looked back and forth between the men.

"There's a room? Is it here?" I stood out of my seat, almost knocking my chair to the floor.

Dick looked to Alfred, raising his eyebrows. "I find myself dusting it every now and again." The older man answered.

"You have to let me see it!" I grabbed Dick's hand pulling him to stand.

"I'm off to the grocery store with Damian, I trust you remember where the room is?" There was a hint of a smirk under Alfred's mustache. Dick nodded with a grin. He pulled me onto his shoulders and walked with me to the room.


I was making my way to the kitchen to join the kids for breakfast when I noticed Dick carrying Michelle away. I followed, intrigued. They ended up at Dick's old training room. As soon as he set her down to turn on the lights she ran into the room, eyes wide and mouth agape with wonder. I joined Dick in the doorway. I watched as my daughter went for the balance beam.

Dick was ready to take a step forward. "Let me help you." He offered.

Michelle was quick to wave him off. "My mom and I would watch gymnastics together on TV." She said as she climbed onto the beam.

Dick's eyes furrowed and he started inching toward her. "It's a bit different than what you see on TV-"

Michelle doing a back flip stunned him. He looked back at me, a confused look on his face that mirrored mine. We went back to watch her routine. "She's already like a level eight." Dick whispered just as she did a round off onto the floor. She landed on all fours and giggled to herself.

I applauded her from the doorway and Dick, though still stunned joined me. Her head snapped in our direction and she stood immediately. I walked over to her. "That was pretty good, your mom taught you that?" I asked.

She nodded, biting her lip. I guess she thought I disapproved. "Yeah we'd go to parks and stuff to practice. I always thought she was a super spy or something. Guess now I know the truth." She laughed awkwardly.

I chuckled along with her, trying to put on my nicest face. "Show me what else you can do. And Dick here can teach you even more." I pointed behind me to my oldest son. Michelle looked in that direction with a raised eyebrow. I turned to see Barbara standing in the threshold, eyes on Dick.

"Hey Babs." He greeted nervously.

The red head took a very long moment to reply. "Dick." She said simply and walls past him to stand in front of me. "I just came to tell you GCPD had enough evidence to lock up Mr. And Mrs. Diebeaux. Eve's still free, though. We couldn't scrape up any dirt on her but I'm still working on it." She told me. Her arms over her chest. Then she noticed Michelle behind me and frowned. "Sorry I couldn't make it to your party last night, but I bet it was pretty good. Alfred's homemade cakes are the best-"

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