Fly The Coop

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I heard my heart beat in my ears and felt it through out my body. Inside I was screaming and melting, I hoped it didn't show on my face. Birdy placed her small hand on mine. She was quiet. And her silence made me feel worse. I looked around at the other girls, they were calm, they were probably used to being in scary situations. I took a deep breath and tried to swallow my fears.

Freddie walked to the middle of the room and stopped in front of Lucky and Olly. "Well?" he asked and Lucky held out a box full of garbage, as soon both his hands were on it Andy was out the door, Patty was there to shut it behind her. Freddie pivoted quickly to face the door and Olly discreetly grabbed his gun. "Did you close that door?" he looked to Patty.

She shook her head. "Must've been a draft or something." She shrugged.

He walked over to the door box still in hand, and still not noticing that Andy or his gun was missing. He groaned. I felt a little relieved that his partner left early today and that he was left at our disposal. But we weren't even past the dangerous part of the plan yet.

Olly raised the gun and pointed it at the camera in the corner. I braced myself for the sound but still jumped as she fired it, hitting it in one shot, she said she had experience with guns but that was marksman type good.

I had little time to recover from the shot as now my part was up, I stepped out into the light as Freddie turned towards Olly his hand hovering over the spot his gun should be, his eyes wide. "Wh-"

I cut him off and ran over to Olly putting my hands on hers over the gun. "What are you doing Olly!? Give him back the gun!" We acted like we were fighting over it, waving it different places and Lucky screamed and ran behind Freddie, next to Patty. Olly gave me a look and I let her take control, she waved it around some more before shooting Freddie in the leg. He fell to the ground, and yelled out in pain. Patty and Lucky reacted quickly and surrounded him, tying him up with old clothes and other things they found around the space. I made my way over to Birdy again and I helped her into the vent, she waved a good bye before she slipped into the darkness to find Andy.

I went over to the other three girls to help keep Freddie down. " I'm gonna kill ya, just wait, you can get away now, but me an my partner are gonna hunt y'all down an cut ya up into little-" I cut him off by tying an old sock around his mouth. He glared at us and voiced muffled curses.

We all looked up as the bolts on the door clicked and it opened to reveal Andy and Birdy grinning. We ran out and Lucky closed the door behind us, much to Freddie's displeasure.

"Here's a box with all our stuff." Birdy pointed to the side. "I finally have my shoes back, they were my favorite shoes, Chrissy had matching ones, we were twins. Now she's gonna find me cause she'll see my shoes and know it's me." I smiled. The normal, talkative, lovable Birdy was back.

I went over to the box and found my shoes, coat, and bookbag immediately. I let the other girls pick through and find their things before I went back in and, there, near the bottom I found the picture of me and my mom, my keys, the letter she left me, and the address that I was headed to. I figured I wouldn't find the money so I wasn't really upset, I had the important things.

"Alright. You guys ready?" Andy asked us. We nodded and she led our way out. Birdy stayed close to me and I smiled at the thought of a partner on my mission, and then maybe I could help her find her sister.

We were halfway down the hallway when we heard gunshots behind us, my eyes widened as we started running. Birdy couldn't keep up and I grabbed her hand. Four shots. Five, none broke through the door. We were almost at the corner, almost free. The sixth shot went off and Birdy stopped. At the seventh shot she fell to the floor.

"Birdy, no!" I yelled out in horror, I stopped and knelt over her. The other girls were pulling me to keep running. I was frozen. They looked back and forth from me to the exit and when the click echoed through the hall notifying us Freddie was out of bullets, Lucky sent the rest of the girls away and stayed with me.

I held the small girl's hand in mine and looked into her eyes. "Stay with me we're going to get help, okay, Birdy?"

She shook her head. "It hurts too much." she started crying and I felt tears coming in my eyes too.

"I know, I know it does." I choked out.

"What's your name?" she asked, curiously.

I blinked. "Juley. You kn-"

She shook her head again. "No. Your real one."

"Michelle. My name is Michelle."

She smiled. "I like that name." her blinks started to get long. "I'm tired, Elly."

"Don't go to sleep, Birdy. Please. You have to stay awake. We're going to find Chrissy together, I promise." My tears started falling.

"I'm cold, Elly. I'm sorry. I'm too tired." her eyes fluttered shut and her breaths were short and shallow. "You have to f-find her for me. I ca-can't." She started stuttering.

"No!" I yelled. "You're coming with me."

She slowly shook her head. "Bye-bye Luca. B-bye Mi-Michelle." I was silent and held my breath as hers slowed then stopped. I pulled her into a hug and held her to my chest.

"Do something, Lucky!" I looked at the blonde girl and saw she was crying just like me.

She came over and put her hand on my shoulder. "She's gone, we gotta get out of here."

I looked up at her. "We can't just leave her here." I sobbed.

"We can't take her with us."

I knew she was right, but I didn't want to go on. I looked down at the limp girl in my arms. I kissed her cool forehead. She was like the little sibling I always wanted, when I asked my mother for one she just laughed, telling me I should hope for older siblings until l learned some responsibility and cleaned my room. Birdy was everything I wanted, and now she's gone. I wiped my tears and set her gently on the floor. I stood, and before I walked away with Lucky I whispered, "Bye bye, Birdy."

A|N: *hides under Batman's cape*

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