Hanging From the Ceiling

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A|N: I am so very sorry for the wait, please please please forgive me! I promise I will never abandon this story 💖


He sat me back in the bed and I frowned, already missing his embrace. He had asked me more questions and I answered them willingly but now was his time to take my answers and put them to good use. Batman was supposed to be a great detective or something, right? I never really paid attention when I saw him on the news or the internet. But now that I think of it, my mom always did, her eyes would be glued to the television when the Batman and Robin saved fifty people from an explosion Joker was behind. Now I understand her fascination was really worry. That explained a lot, actually. My dad stood and looked down at me with the same worried eyes that my mom had when she watched him and I grinned. His mouth turned up with a small smile.

The door opened before my dad could get to it and we both looked at the person who stepped in the room. I blushed from embarrassment. It was the man I thought was my father. His expression was almost unreadable.

"Ah!" My dad spoke. "Michelle, this is Alfred, our longest family friend." He introduced. Friend...? So he wasn't a butler? He did look too arrogant to be a servant.

"It's a pleasure to be introduced to you formally, Miss Michelle." He spoke, his accent familiar.

I blushed realizing he was talking about me passing out at his feet. "Same here, Mr. Alfred." I smiled awkwardly.

"Please, just Alfred." He corrected me.

"And I'm just Michelle." I giggled.

He nodded, a small smile under his mustache. "I brought you some clean clothes to change into, they mightn't fit well but they will have to do for now." I didn't even notice the folded clothes in his hands. He held them out for me and I took them. They were girl's clothes, maybe belonging to one of my sisters? "Also you must be famished, do you have any food requests?"

I bit my lip and glanced at my dad. "Well, what is everyone else having?"

"Jason has already eaten and Young Master Damian will have whatever I make for him." The tuxedoed man spoke with so much sass. "Speak now or forever hold your peace."

I smiled. I liked this guy already. "Do you have macaroni and cheese?" I asked a little shyly. I didn't really want to trouble him or anything.

"Good choice." My dad spoke up, grinning.

"Alright, Mac and cheese coming up, and to drink?" Alfred asked me.

I bit my lip. "Water is fine."

"Macaroni and one water coming up." Alfred nodded and turned to leave the room.

My father was next to leave, giving me a soft smile "You should stay in bed but if you need something Damian's room is down the hall, he should be in there doing his homework. But if you don't want to be bothered by him you can go down stairs where the rest of us should be. Alfred should be back with your food soon." he told me before closing the door behind him to give me privacy.

I changed into the clothes, they looked like they were hardly ever worn. They were a little big but they were so comfy. I placed my dirty, damp clothes in a neat pile in a chair across from the bed near the door. I took this time to look around. I was amazed by how big the room was. Back home my room had to be a third of the size of this one. The bed was huge and so soft. By the door my book bag laid, I went over to kneel in front of it. It was soggy, I unzipped it and found the extra clothes I brought to be soaked through. I took them out and set them with the clothes in the chair. At the bottom of the bag was my favorite book I had brought along with me on my journey, thankfully it wasn't too wet.

I stood and flipped through the pages. I smiled, I already knew the story but I could never stop myself from picking it back up and reading it again. This was the first book to ever make me cry. There was a book case in this new room of mine. It had a few dusty books with titles I didn't recognise. I placed my old beaten book on the shelf with the others. I smiled, it fit perfectly at the end. I jumped when there was a knock at the door.

"C-come in!" I called to the person behind the dark wood door. It couldn't be Alfred already could it be? I smiled when I saw the dark haired, tall boy peek his head in. "Oh hi Jason!"

"Hey there, can I hide out in here? Bruce is still kinda miffed I told you." He stepped in the room and closed the door behind him.

Bruce? Oh right, my dad."Of course!" I giggled.

"Yeah so how are you liking it here? For the fifteen minutes you've spent conscious here that is." He chuckled at his own wit.

I grinned up at him. I was still sad about my mother and Birdy but this house, my father's presence seemed to lift my depression. "I absolutely love it."


I tinkered around in the kitchen, not really doing anything particular. Alfred was preparing my daughter's food. I watched him, his apron on, mixing cheese in a pot.

"Sir, I don't mean to be rude, but shouldn't your attentions be elsewhere? Not that I mind you watching me work, maybe you will pick up some lessons for when I'm not around." He kept his face turned toward his works so I couldn't see his snide smirk that I was sure was on his face.

"Barbara's in the cave, I'm going to let her do what she does best and give her some space. Jason is hiding from me somewhere in the house, most likely in Michelle's room. Damian is locked away in his room doing homework. There's nothing for me to do." I sighed, leaning against the kitchen table.

Alfred shook his head. "A father's work is never done." He said in a reprimanding way. I could imagine if he was a nun he would shake his spoon at me and pop my hand with it.

I was chagrined at my friend's scorn. "What would you have me do?" I asked desperately. What was I supposed to do? Things were easy when it was just Dick and me. But it wasn't just him and me for long. I should know how to parent by now.

"It's not every day a daughter shows up on your doorstep." He stated, pouring the elbow macaroni in the hot cheese. "Lots of things will be changing, your attention will be pulled in even more directions than before."

I raised an eyebrow. "What are you trying to say?"

"Not everyone in this house is ready for the change wouldn't you say?" He put the macaroni and cheese on a plate and put the plate and a perspiring glass of water on a tray. "You and I were perfectly prepared of course." He said before disappearing behind the kitchen door to take my daughter her food.

What did he mean? Damian? Damian wouldn't care, would he? It's not like she would intrude on any of his space, this house was so big they could go ten years without seeing each other. Would my son be... Jealous?

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