Für Elly

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I silently followed the men down he dark and deep stairs. They were talking to each other but I didn't focus on what they were saying I was more worried about getting caught. I must've looked over my shoulders a million times. As we walked down an eerie hall I noticed a door. It probably led outside into an alleyway.

I knew I was close when my dad's strong voice sounded. "Listen, guys, I have some pretty good lawyers, and I've seen your faces, I can get your names, easily. Just let me go and we can all forget this happened."

"Oh, you'll forget everything, after Eve is done with you, you'll go on living your life as if nothing happened." The first guard spoke.

"He's pullin' your leg, you're probably just gonna die." Guard number two said as he got out his keys.

Now was my chance. I had to think fast. Their freedom was in my hands. Memories of Birdy tried entering my head and I used them to fuel me to not make the same mistake twice. I wouldn't get anyone else killed on my behalf. A large chunk of brick from the ground was in my hand and I was throwing it at one of the men. It hit him right on the ear and he fell over. "Fuck!" He yelled and dropped the keys, which my dad expertly grabbed before they hit the ground.

The other man turned to see where the flying rock came from, and was immediately brought against the bars, knocked out. As my dad was trying to unlock the cage the man I had hit with the rock went grabbing for the keys. I ran at him, kicking his arm away. My dad got the door open and slammed it against the guy's head. He scooped me up and we ran out.

The trip back to the jet was a blur. Only when I was strapped in and we were airborne did I take a deep breath and relax.

"I'm sorry for putting everyone in danger today." Dad spoke softly.

"Sorry isn't enough. Don't be sorry. Fix it." Damian told him and my eyes widened. Weren't they just happy to be alive right now? Couldn't they be happy and functional for three minutes?

I stayed silent for the whole ride home. I'm sure they might have thought that I was in shock or scared but I wasn't. I was just tired. I walked into the large house after my Dad and Damian and was about to make my way to my room when there was a call from the kitchen.

"You guys back?!" A voice unknown to me but clearly known by the others based on the changes in expressions.

Everyone's face lit up in some way and the mystery man emerged from the kitchen. "Grayson." Damian said with a smirk which scared me a little.

"Hey Damian," 'Grayson' said as he ruffled the teen's hair.

"It's good to see you, Master Dick." Alfred smiled. "I assume you helped yourself to the leftovers in the refrigerator, but would you care for a real meal?"

"That'd be great, thanks, Alfred." He said with a chuckle.

Dad went in for a hug that the newcomer welcomed with open arms. "How long are you staying?" He asked when they pulled apart from each other.

"A couple weeks at most, till Christmas." He shrugged while talking like he didn't really give it any thought before this. "It seems I came at a good time, though, I have a new little sis?" His icy blue eyes fell on me. His grin seemed to reach every inch of his face. He held his large hand out to me. "I'm Richard, but people call me Dick. Except for Damian, cause he's.. well you know."

I put my hand in his. "Michelle. Damian calls me Wayne or Kyle depending on what mood he's in." I smiled and Damian scowled.

"I think you earned Wayne tonight." His hand awkwardly moved to my shoulder. I raised my eyebrows at him and through exchanged looks we silently agreed that our sibling relationship hadn't met that level yet. Damian backed a few steps away from me.

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