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I walked up the long stair case to my room along with Alfred. I opened the door for him and he set all my bags and boxes down on my bed. "Well it looks like you have enough for ten gala's let alone one." He turned to smile at me and his eyes widened. "Oh, Michelle, you look splendid!" He exclaimed.

I grinned. "Thanks, Alfred." I had my bangs trimmed straight and I even wore a little make-up, I felt good. The balding man exited my room to let me change. I wore a fancy black dress that Barbara and I agreed on and some silver and black kitten heels. I grabbed the small silver purse I bought and looked over myself in the floor length mirror by my wardrobe and smiled.

I exited my room just as Damian down the hall did. We met at the top of the staircase. He nodded at me, "Wayne." He acknowledged. He looked nice in a black suit with a slender tie, though his hair was nothing special, pushed out of his face to say the least.

"Wayne." I copied his gesture and we started to walk down the stairs together, holding opposite banisters. I saw Alfred round the corner and and smile when he caught sight of us. I noticed him pull out his phone and snap a picture. I grinned, Damian groaned.

"You two look so much alike, your father's genes are strong." He informed us when we got to the bottom of the stairs.

I looked to Damian, raising an eyebrow and saw he was mirroring me, I giggled. Alfred was right. Damian looked away, fidgeting with his tie, just as our dad rounded the corner doing the same. I laughed, there was no doubt we were all related. My laugh made my dad smile; he made his way over to us, putting a hand on my shoulder and one on Damian's head, smoothing his hair down. "Did I miss a joke?" His bright eyes looked down to me then back up to Alfred.

"Nothing too important, Master B." The eldest man smiled.


"The venue is miles away, it would take us an hour by car, Damian." Father explained his reasoning for using the jet. It was an okay reason. And it was Bruce Wayne's jet, not Batman's. So there was no logical reason for me to be mad.

But I was.

It was clear who the true golden child was. Who was the real favorite. It was clear by the way he helped her up the steps to the jet. How he buckled her in and sat next to her. How he asked her if she needed anything every fifteen minutes. It was disgusting. He never was so soft on me; not that I would have accepted it. Not that I ever wanted it. Not that I would ever ask for it. I sat across from them watching my sister closely as the jet took off.

The way her eyebrows were brought together and her body tensed at the turbulence made me think back to Pennyworth's remark about my Father's genes. Wayne's were strong. Wayne's were unafraid. This Wayne was neither. "Scared of a little turbulence?" I smirked over at her. I saw my father's 'watch it' face start to form but he didn't need to say anything, it turns out my sister did have a little fight in her.

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