Cat Out of the Bag

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"She knows everything about you now, she figured it out, I don't know how but she knows!"

I put my hands on the sixteen year old's shoulders. "Calm down Chrissy." I looked into her green eyes. "What exactly does she know?" I whispered.

Chrissy took a deep breath.  "She knows that Batman is Bruce Wayne, she knows that his new daughter is your daughter. And she wants me to kill him and bring the girl here."

My eyes were wide and I forgot how to breathe. I stumbled back onto the wall of the small broom closet we had to meet in. "What will she do to Michelle?" I was able to squeak out. 

The young girl shook her head. "I don't know, maybe use her against you to get you on her side? I don't know!"

My eyes were going blurry from tears but I had to think, and I had to think fast. There was no time for crying. "But if she's asking you to kill him, she still trusts you, right?"

"I don-"

I shook the girl. "Do not say you don't know, you are smart and perceptive. Just think. How did Eve tell you about all of this, how did she ask you to kill him?" I trembled as I spoke. 

Chrissy took a sharp intake of breath. "She was drinking, as usual. She started by asking if I had talked to you lately. I told her no, and she told me that either you weren't as smart as you looked or you were a very good liar. She told me there were things about you that we didn't know. Then she told me all of this, and I guess. I guess she still believed I'm on her side."

I took a deep breath and pulled the girl into a hug. I stroked her dark hair. "You did good."

She sobbed into my chest. "I don't want to kill anyone, Selina."

I shook my head. "You won't." I pulled her away from me and wiped her tears with my thumb. She reminded me so much of my daughter. "When is she having you leave?" 

Her eyes closed, trying to stop the tears. "Tonight. We'll take the submarine and be there by tomorrow night. I'll be asleep the whole time." 

"We have to get me on that sub with you. Someone has to be preparing it right? We just have to make Eve believe I'm still on the boat until we're all away from here." Anxious, I bit my lip.

"Can we do it?" Her green eyes looked into mine. 

I gave an uncertain nod. "We've planned for this."

"Not like this." She frowned.

"We can do this, we have something to fight for. Your brother and sister, my daughter." I didn't know who I was trying to convince but I knew I wouldn't just stand around with threats on my lover and Michelle. I would die before I let Eve lay a finger on her. And maybe that's what my future holds but at least I can say I went down fighting right? I sighed. "Chrissy, I'm not saying that this plan is full proof but we have to try."

It was quiet for a long moment before she gave a slow nod. "I'll figure out how to make you a stow away."

I hugged her again. "I'll figure out how to make it seem like I'm still here." I let her go and gave a half smile. "We can do this."


"Remember, Michelle. This is your choice if you want to come here. You scored pretty high on the entrance exam, almost any other place would take you." My dad spoke and Damian in the backseat rolled his eyes. 

"I know, I want to see what it's like before I make a decision." I smiled at him from the passenger seat. He insisted on driving us to the school today, he said he had a business meeting at the company that I'm pretty sure he made up. I was going to shadow Damian in his classes to get the real Gotham Academy experience. He stopped in front of the large school and Dami got out immediately. 

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