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Long chapter ahead.


It was past six AM and surprisingly I wasn't tired. Maybe I was my father's child after all, the adrenaline and excitement I had for actually having a lead on where my mother could be was overwhelming. Also because my crush, Duke was sitting across from me looking at his computer screen and methodically taking notes. Damian was in a corner resting his eyes, Alfred was collecting dirty dishes and tidying up where he saw fit. Dad was on watch, staring at the batcomputer intently, watching the live feed for anything suspicious.

Something was bound to happen, sooner or later. So when it did I was ready. My dad called out and everyone sprinted to crowd around him and the computer. He pointed at the screen. "That is Chrysanthemum Clemmons. Older sister to Roberta and Danforth."

"Chrissy." I whispered. We had an overhead view of her, she was looking up toward the sky. She looked troubled. I could see the resemblance between her and Birdy. Soon after she stepped out of the craft someone peeked their head out. "Eve." I said and Chrissy on screen jumped at the sight of the woman. Eve yelled something at her and she was being pulled back inside.

"That's it. That's what we needed." Damian said. "Let's move in."

"Wait a minute." My dad said and I pouted, Damian groaned and Duke raised an eyebrow.

"This is our chance Dad. You can't have us stall anymore." I pleaded with him.

"Do you two have a plan?" He asked Damian and I.

I looked to my brother and back to my dad. "You don't?"

He shook his head. "I think it's safer if I stayed here. She's looking to capture Batman and Bruce Wayne, I'm not just going to hand them over. You two need to infiltrate the submarine quietly and get anyone who's being held out. This is your mission, Michelle. This is Birdy's mission." He explained and it all made sense. "Alfred, Duke, and I will be your eyes in the sky. I have someone on standby if you'll be needing backup."

I nodded. "We can get to the submarine through the water and get on from there."

"I know that place, there's a different dock a little way out that you can get into the water from to not cause suspicion." Duke spoke up.

"Can we.. take the car?" Damian asked, his eyebrows raised. Dad laughed and tossed him the keys. "Put your mask back on Wayne, let's go." He told me doing a jog over to the Batmobile. I giggled but did what he said and followed after him, Alfred stopped me and handed me an ear bud. I put it in and smiled at him. I got into the passenger seat of the car. "You ready for this Robin and Birdy adventure?" He asked revving the engine.

"As I'll ever be." I said and we shot out of the cave.

Soon we were at the dock, and after a quick lesson on how to use a breather, we were in the water swimming. He was a much stronger swimmer than me and I could tell he was holding back. We made it to the submarine together and entered. I was glad I made the decision to cut my hair or else I would be ten pounds heavier at this moment.

There was a guard nearby and Damian had no trouble silently knocking him out. Another guard, patrolling was about to yell out before I jumped on his back, covering his mouth. Damian disarmed him and knocked him out too. We took his ID and went searching.

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and then it turned into my dad's voice. "You're so close, you got this. Stay on target." I took a deep breath and tried to focus. I wondered if my suit sent my vitals back to the batcomputer. My heart leapt when Chrissy rounded the corner to come face to face with us.

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