Cat Nap

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I shut the bedroom door behind me quietly. I made my way down the hall without a sound. Another door opening and shutting made me freeze. I quickly thought of all the escape routes I could use going unnoticed but it was no use, I was caught.

"Good morning Ms. Kyle."

I turned around and sighed. The butler, of course. "Mornin' Al, you're lookin dandy as usual." I smiled bitterly.

He eyed my jacket over my arm and my heels in my hand. "I hope you weren't planning on leaving before breakfast?" His mustache twitched with a smirk.

I laughed nervously. "Of course, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and all that jazz." -note to self, leave out of the window next time.... Next time? Did I want this to happen again? Well I mean of course I wanted it to happen again, but would it be a smart choice to let it happen again? Hmmm. "So what are we having?" I asked him.

"What ever you'd like." He smiled as he started walking down the stairs and I followed after him.

"How 'bout you surprise me hm?" I said as I strained my ears to listen for any other sign of life in the large building. I wasn't really ready to meet Bruce's brat on the walk of shame. Alfred was one thing, but a pubescent kid? Did I deserve such embarrassment?

The butler seemed to read my mind. "Master Dick has already left for work." He stressed the last word letting me know he was on a mission for his double life as the bird.

I nodded, relieved. "So when do you think the big man will join us?" I asked sitting down at the Kitchen island. I was a little nervous, did Bruce want me to stay? Would he be mad? Uncomfortable? How should I feel about this?

Alfred turned to give me a sympathetic smile while he worked over the stove. "He never misses breakfast." He assured, but it didn't help my nerves. What should I expect?

My questions were answered when the macho man finally revealed himself. He appeared silently, stretching and yawning in the doorway. "Good morning," I greeted quietly.

He stopped mid-yawn, his eyes snapping open; his clear baby-blues met my dull greens. "G'morning, Selina" he blurted quickly, obviously not composed. He smoothed his hair, which I noticed was damp; he was shirtless, wearing only pajama bottoms. "Um, what? ... Uh." He was flustered, looking back and forth between the butler and me.

"Alfred suggested I stay for breakfast." I explained, quickly putting all the blame on him.

He sighed. "Right." He glared at the back of the older man's head. I covered my mouth as I giggled. He came to sit next to me, folding his hands together in his lap.

The butler turned to face Bruce with a smug look. "I trust you slept well, Master B?"

I noticed the tip of the younger man's ears grow red as he stole a glance at me. "Like a brick." He said, and I had a grin the Cheshire cat would be jealous of. "And its a wonder I even got to sleep with this one snoring." He teased and my jaw dropped playfully.

I smacked his arm. "I do not!"

He let out a chuckle and held his hands up in surrender. "Fine, purring then."

I nodded, I crossed my arms over my chest. "That's better."

We were left in a comfortable silence. Alfred had long gone back to work over the stove and Bruce and I were just looking at each other. Unspoken conversations between our eyes. Bruce's thick fingers went to untangle my arms, he held my hand in his and kissed the back of it all the while keeping eye contact. It was a simple sweet gesture, but it said so much. He put himself out there, bare and uncomplicated. I couldn't bring myself to smile- I mean I should be happy, right? This one man, a rich man, wanted me all to himself. I retracted my hand from his and the look on his face nearly broke my heart.

"I should go," I whispered, starting to rise from my seat. It didn't help that my stomach growled at the smell of Alfred's cooking.

Bruce's mouth hung agape, he didn't want to force me to stay; however, he didn't want me leaving either. He just kept looking in my eyes until I broke away contact.

"Sorry Alfred, I have to go..  Feed my cats." I told him the lame excuse, gathering up my things once again.

The graying man turned around and shut the burners off. "Shall I drive you?" He started to take his apron off.

"Uh, n-"

"I could call you a cab but it would take some time to get here, and I'm sure your cats are famished." He cut me off and used my own excuse against me.

I tucked my black hair behind my ear and let out a breath. "Fine." I seceded.

The butler was happy with my answer but Bruce was not, but I made a point not to look at the latter as I walked toward his front door. I didn't know when I would see him again, opportunities like last night were scarce. I kept telling myself that walking away was the right thing, that I couldn't get attached, that I was protecting us both.

I walked out of the door without a second thought.


I woke in the middle of the night with tears in my eyes at the memory that manifested as a dream.

I sobbed into my silk pillow. What I would give to be back at the manor with Bruce, and Alfred, and all the brats, and Michelle. But I was stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean with no one on my side. I should have stayed for breakfast that day, I should have stayed with Bruce after that. I was young and stupid as shit, living in my own little stupid world. I thought I was saving myself trouble. I thought I was saving Bruce pain. I wanted to be the hero for a change, be the better person, walk away.

Don't get me started on my logic after Michelle was born.

Actually, I should have quit my second life after I had my daughter. Put away the goggles and whip. But I couldn't help myself. Two years, after two short years I rejoined Gotham's underground society. I hired babysitter- no one too nosey- even though Michelle slept soundly during nights. How easy it could have been leaving her with her father. The thought crossed my mind often, almost every night I went out. But I never did, and by the time she was seven I didn't need a babysitter, Michelle was smart, and though she was curious she never followed me out the door at night. She knew to go to the neighbors if there was any trouble, the old lady down the hall, or the five-member family on the floor below us. I never revealed to her what I was actually doing, though I'm sure she had her theories. I wonder if Bruce will reveal our identities to her.

My sad tears turned into happy ones when I thought of my love and our child. They had to be together by now. What I could give to see the look on Bruce's face when she showed up on his door step. The question of 'why now' must be keeping him up at night. But I knew he would protect her, he would take her in and care for her, it was in his nature.

I found myself drifting back to sleep to thoughts of all of us together, if I hadn't been so stupid. If I went to Bruce when I knew I was pregnant with Michelle. If we raised her together. If she was with both parents now.

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