Heart to Heart

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Thanks so much for 16k reads and over 700 votes! I can't express how much I appreciate everyone who gives this story a chance. 02.27.18


I was making my way to the exit when I was stopped by someone tapping my shoulder behind me. I turned slowly and was met with a man. He was tall and his hair gray, his fixed his glasses and smiled softly down at me. "Hello, Michelle. I don't know if your father ever mentioned me but I'm Lucius Fox, a family friend." 

Lucius Fox.. I've heard that name before I think. "Are you the one who helps my dad with..." I trailed off, hoping he understood what I was trying to say.

He nodded. "Your father and I have been business partners for a long time, I help him on his personal projects every now and then." He spoke carefully, looking around. "Well it was nice meeting you, I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other very soon."He held his hand out to shake mine. I put my small hand in his and smiled sadly, I guess he couldn't help me find my dad. But my eyes widened when I felt something in his hand passed to mine. He let go of my hand and rubbed his ear. He smiled and walked away. 

I looked around before opening my hand. It was some kind of earbud. I put it in my ear. "Hello?" I whispered, looking around again. 

I was relieved to hear Alfred's voice. "Michelle! Wonderful!" 


I saw it coming. The host of the party, Diebeaux dragged my father and Pennyworth away to look at art. I saw it coming but I said nothing and now I was left alone. We were separated. As I tried to figure out Fathers plan they caught me and dragged me away. I didn't want to make a scene in front of all the people so I let them take me, rolling my eyes. We converged again underground. My father, Pennyworth, and I in an underground cell. It was just a matter of time until they captured Michelle. Until we would have to break our cover and escape. It was all his fault. I went over to a corner and sat there biting my tongue and clenching my fists. 

I felt my father's eyes on me and I ignored him with a sneer. "Damian." I heard my name and from his voice, the guilt that came with it. I decided to listen to what he had to say. Show no interest of course, but I would hear him out. I kept my back to him and he kept talking. "Listen, Damian. I know I haven't been the best... partner lately. I guess I've let Michelle come along and cloud my judgement."

"tt You think?!" I turned around to face him. His head was bowed as he looked at the stone ground. "And you're just now realizing it? When we're stuck underground? Best partner? You haven't even been a good father. Not that you were the worlds best dad in the past but at least you didn't take your children right into enemy territory without a plan. Because what's your plan right now? We are trapped if you haven't noticed. And soon enough Michelle is going to be down here with us and were are going to have to do something to get out. Something that will jeopardize all that we've built and for what? So you could show off your new prize? Your new golden child, well great job because you just might've walked her into her grave today. "  I didn't realize it but during my rant I was walking closer to him, I stopped right in front of him, looking up at him. "You kept me a secret for months. It's been weeks and you're just showing her off like she's a new trophy car. And you wonder why her mother kept her from you all these years. You're reckless, and not fit to be a father. You don't know how to raise a child. Why do you think Grayson and Todd turned out the way they did? One switches girls every week to fill some void in his life and the other is a total lost cause, even more reckless than you, but at least he always has a plan~" I didn't stop. He needed to hear every last word that poured out of my mouth. I've been silent for too long. I didn't stop until Pennyworth, in his corner, spoke.

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